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Study Smart Study Less Marty Lobdell - Coggle Diagram
Study Smart Study Less Marty Lobdell
check watch
start watch
record time when start spacing
25 min average
had to live in domr
first qquarter d average
neede to buckle down
school will kicck out
set goal - 6 hours a night non stop
he should have aced but failed every calass
study more might hurt instead of help
30 minutes major slump
continued to stare at pages
at desk 6 hours only studied for 30 min
gave up
Take a break
about 5 minutes
talk to someone
play game
efficientcy goes up
breaking up helps retain info
Do something fun
After stud
give yourselp big treat
plan something special
friends drank in afternoon then go to bar then study
state dependent memory
only remember when in toxicated
Qiet plac
don't study in shared activity location
primary fucnionht of environmenttv
Dorm room
all in one room
no wonder
study lamp
use it for only working or studying
moment lose edgeturn off lamp and leave desk
students twho did that were one grade point higher
dinging room
remomve all food cues
Living room
no tv
no music
Actually try these things.
make a promise
be accountabel
Rote Memorization
over and over
some yes
some no
for mmost its no the most efficient
what am i learnin
or fact
bone in the body
look up quicklye
don't think oof cooncept
lyricws in soong fact/concept wrong lyrics
marty desn't worry about factual
can you put concept in own words
of not you don't understand
make it have meaning to you
has no meaning
once grapsed will sttay with for lifetime
short term memory
20 -30 sec
dump short term memery by wrintring name and adderss becasey might be thinkging of the owrkds he just said
trying to memorzide concept without meaning
5 oouut of 30 words
find out meaning in it.
superficial thinkingg - counting vowels to try to remember the words
usefulness on desert island
1-5 value scales
thinking of terms oof applications and use
read thirty words
stalling exersice
10.5 out of 30 words remembered
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
own teaching
own development as being
recopitulates phyl
development from single cell to complex mamal
All starteed as single cell in utero
grew legs grew aresms
alphabet test
letters in mixed ssegques not remeber
happy thursdaay
re aranged in order remember
if you take time to discover meaning suddenly it clicks
if you try to just remember all the facts one by one you will fail
Automatic responsea
hands up