Expansion Period (1801 – 1861)

Revolutionary Period (1776-1791)


The Colonies declare their independence from Britains. The cogress aproved it on July, 2


The war of revolution officially ends by the singing of the Treaty of Paris.

This Treaty recognized the United States as a free country. The colonies can be governed by themselves.


The first constitution was singned,


George Washington is selected as the first president of the US

He won by unanimity of the 10 electoral states


The first amendments to the constitucion were created

Called "The bill of Rights", the main objective of these amendments was to support the basic rights of the US people

It was influenced by economic problems, and the need of a good central government

The cogress aproved it on July, 2


Exploration was encouraged as America underwent vast territorial expansion and settlement.


Walter Raleigh




Jefferson bought land from France (the Louisiana Purchase), which doubled the size of the United States.

The addition of Lousiana to the territory.

In the Lewis and Clark expedition, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored the Louisiana Purchase from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.

The apparition of the steam locomotive provided faster land transportation.

Apparition of the steamboat which provided faster river transportation that connected Southern plantations and farms to Northern industries and Western territories.


Spain gave Florida to the United States through a treaty.


Jo Anderson (a slave) and Cyrus McCormick worked to invent the harvester. The harvester increased the productivity of the American farmer.



Texas declares itself an independent republic.


The addition of Texas to the territory.


The addition of Oregon to the territory


The Oregon Territory was divided by the United States and Great Britain.

War with Mexico resulted in California and the southwest territory becoming part of the United States.


The addition of California to the territory.






Jamestown, England’s first successful colony.

John Rolfe created a high-quality tobacco, which became the main export.

the Virginia Company offered free land to settlers. Most of the settlers to arrive were indentured servants—individuals who were required to labor for another for a period of time, typically 5-7 years, in order to repay a debt.

Puritans emigrated to New England in the 1620’s for political, economic, and religious reasons.

James I revoked the company agreement and made Virginia a royal colony.

who was he

He was well known for popularising tobacco in England.

He was born in Devon on January, 22th, 202; and died in Westminster on October 29, 1618.

Raleigh was one of the most notable figures of the Elizabethan era.

Activities he developed during the colonial period 1607-1780

Two important aspects of why he was arrested and executed.


Raleigh sent a company to explore territory he named Virginia after Elizabeth, the “Virgin Queen”.

He had a second trip, to explore the Chesapeake Bay region.

Raleigh organized three major expeditions to America, including the ill-fated Roanoke settlement

  1. He invaded and pillaged Spanish territory at a time when James I was seeking peace with Spain. After his return to England, Raleigh was arrested, and then executed.

He wrote wonderful poems and writings

One of his famous writings were called The History of the World'

One of its missions was to seek information on the missing colonists

Sir Walter Raleigh was an English adventurer and writer who established a colony near Roanoke Island

  1. Raleigh was accused and convicted of plotting to overthrow Queen Elizabeth’s successor, King James I. The king sentenced he to death and then reduced to life in prison in the Tower of London.

Raleigh believed that a combination of plantations and privateering along the east coast of North America was crucial in establishing an English foothold in these new lands.

in 1616, he was released to search for gold in South America

John Smith declared that “he will not work, shall not eat”.

A representative assembly was formed called the House of Burgesses

“Great Migration”

First Constitution (Fundamental
Orders of Connecticut)

Puritans (religious reasons)


King Charles II gave William Penn a charter for Pennsylvania.

He planned to run his colony on the Quaker principles of equality, cooperation, and religious tolerance.


Mayflower Compact . It was the first framework of government written and enacted in the territory that is now the United States of America.

The Virginia Company introduced the headright system to attract settlers to come to work.

England, France, and Spain fought four world wars that involved their colonies in North America.


In the 1730 ,England founded the last of its colonies in North America. The project was the brain child of James Oglethorpe, a former army officer.


Georgia's first year, went well enough, as settlers began to clear the land, build houses, and construct fortifications. Those who came in the first wave of settlement realized that after the first year they would be working for themselves.


The James River version of the tobacco boat was a bateaux invented by Anthony J. Rucker in 1771, and was mentioned by Jefferson in his Notes on Virginia.


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Nicole Espinoza

Jenny Garcia

Fernanda Saldaña

Christian Tapia