CityPlan 2014


DA categories of assessment

DA types

Reconfiguration of a Lot (ROL)

Material Change of Use (MCU)



Hierarchy of assessment benchmarks

  1. strategic framework
  1. Planning Regulation 2017 - Schedules 6 and 10
  1. Overlays / overlay codes
  1. Neighbourhood plan codes
  1. Zone codes

8.2.3 Bicycle Network Overlay/Code

  • Has requirements set out in subdivision code and infrastructure design PSP

Zoning: what development is allowed

6. Development codes (Use and Other)

  • Apply to specific development types e.g. MCU
  • Guidance on applying codes is found in corresponding planning scheme policies (PSPs)

Use codes

Building Work

Operational Work, types:

  • Traffic Functional Layout (TFL)
  • Signs and lines
  • Roads and Drainage (R&D)

Code assessable

Impact assessable

Accepted - Self assessable

  • Assessment benchmarks may be in other codes (overlay, zone, development, neighbourhood)

Other codes

Centre or mixed use, industry, multiple dwelling, specialised centre

9.4.10 Subdivision code

  • Access widths, carriageways
  • Industry, residential, centre, mixed use, recreation

Assessment benchmarks

Performance outcomes (PO) and acceptable outcomes (AO)

Relevant PSPs:


Conditions of development approval

3000 series - Traffic Management - manoeuvring areas, turning templates, parking regulation signs, pavement marking, roundabouts and intersections.

2000 series - Road corridor - vehicle crossings, trench restoration, traffic islands, bus bays/stops/shelters

1000 series - General - Standard road cross sections

5000 series - Pedestrian and cyclist facilities - e.g. ped refuge dimensions/notes


Technical guidelines

Trip generation

Zone Activity Groups
What specific land uses fall under a given zoning e.g. mixed use zone can have center activities which includes AG uses: office, retail, dwelling unit

Budget Items

Council Contributions Developer Constructed Works (related to establishment costs)
