A Sakima I from an alternate timeline where 'Sekai' died by the hands of Metatron. As he could not protect, this more violent / unhinged version returned to the Sins. However, instead of as a friend, he 'shattered' them into the 'Murderous Intents' (Vainglory, Vengeance, Hatred, Melancholy, Insanity, Carnage, and Bloodlust), where he can channel their strength to fight off incredibly strong beings (Yuuki died in the process). He killed the Metatron of his timeline and then decided to hop to a different timeline, not to take Sekai back or anything of the sort, but rather to kill as many Metatrons as he can. However, he notes that the Metatron of this Timeline is stronger than any other he has come across before for some unknown reason.