Connected Video Industry Training | Session 2


digital first content

has seat at table

Not what you see on just hbo or local

it's everything

leveraging all that content

early days with this

still trying to figure out all the nuances

Why Challenger for CTV?

starts with needs of client


clients think they know tv

think they know video


don't know CTV

if they can go cheaper they will

same as automotive customer

cheaper down the street? Going there.

what do they really value?

offer a unique valuable experience

get from no where else

cox experience from DDC is critical

navigate alternative

different sellers



different places to buy content

We aren't the only one at their door trying to sell

where do they start?

we can help with this

Advice and consultation

you don't want to be a rep want to be a resource

always critical

not just here to sell the service but to educate about new opportunitites

Are we esasy to buy?

"I know tv - video is video" - no it's not

its a bout solving a problem; not selling a product

Avoid potential landmines

no one wants to get burned

widespread support from organizatoin

making things simple enough to buy?

Trait of a good salesperson

take complex and make it simple

more than just relationships

hard to do now because of covid

consul tative

how do you make it easier for them

people like to put htings in boxes

challenger is important to uncover those distincting

Teaching moment

big opportunity to educate client base


most critical

knowing what I know about

your offering


past and experience

secret sauce


Review of Challenger Sales

solving a problem

not just selling

not about me

what problem am I solving

3 T's



for differentiation

with a purpose

what makes sense for propsective group

Take Control

most difficult for slaespople

pushing back in some cases

challenging them

Review of stages


building credibilittiy

undersatnding problems and challengers


Identifiing unrecognized problem

problem they don't think they have

assumption that may not be valid

start to build some insight around

have you thought about it this way?

rational drowning

take reframe and back it up

facts reason logic

stats, support, case studies, examples

taking how they think about a particular problem and supporting against it

It's emotional Impact

bringing it back home

what does this mean for them

need to be connected to customer

taking same reframe and tying it to their business personally

New way forward

how this relatises to you

what is the solution?

how do we get into cox solution

Seller classifications

Hard workder

someone who puts in the midnight oil

relationship buildier

like to say yes

there to make it work

lone wolf


don't follow rules

can't be copied

reactive problem solver


Challenger Approach for Selling CTV

Commercial Teaching

something new

unique perspective

not teaching for sake or teaching

end game in place

about price vs value

demonstrate that there's a value problem

educating to an outcome

where you going with it?

where are you trying to go with this?

definging client priority

asking questions

what are they trying to do

what are their needs to move ball forward from business standpoint

beyond just asking questions

gee I never though about it before

think about a little bit different

moving ball forward

catalizing action

drive some action

need to move now not later

not only the reason but back up why

Challenger CTV Stages



expanse of tv

how am i making money

prices havent slid that dramatically

local tv had banner year

beause of politics


hard year


little perceived difference in the offering

all who's coming at delaer

who's cheapest


what's the person down the street doing

make or model?

another dealership

Margine challengs

ROI of ad budget

is it working?

Shifting habits of consumers

how do we capture this shopper

Lead gens

how am I getting more butts in seats


media landscape is changing

There are things that aren't going to return to normal. Things will shift dramatically.

more online interest

local marketers are utiliziate new t actics

Dealers should know this

people are consuming content in a very different way

content on phone, computer, mobile device

now front and center on the TV

not a bout buying mail tv

things are changing and chanign now

CTV not same as Linear

"video is video" "tv tv"

"still video"

it isn't

teach people that this is a different world

"only 15 sec only 30 sec"

if they personalize it and say "its the same as video"

If they view it the same. It is.

thinking about buying video on youtube

local station

News site

different from that in that

viewing targeting content off of main living room tv set.

the value of targeting audiences for buying media

big one



across the board

Become Audience Consultants as opposed to just selling media

already doing that with the media you have

its buying the value of an aduience

How's it performing

What is Roi

how is it driving leads

trends are happening

ppeople are looking at media in a different way

anytime of client is either going to



have to keep moving

CTV inventory ismore than a commodity

where we come in as consultants

CTV is not the same as OTT

premium contextually relevant content

targeting audience with in market buyers

higher price poing

environment matters

fradulanet digital inventory

conontent bingg consumed diefferent



questionable froom brand ssaafety standd bpointt

better to buy from a trusted source

following the money to where the people are

Rational Drowning

building your case





growth among consumer

more that half of US homes own a streaming device

20% housolds cutting

75% had some type of ctv setup in there homes

60% jump from 2017

folks that are core marketing age for buying a car

Most critically

make up 59% total ct viewership

"this is where the pucks going"

looking at content in a different way

car buyers are too


growh in CTV usage is happening among local dealergroups

do yiou want to be left behind

those customers are going elsewhere

ctv advertising has increased 35% in q2

60% shifting from linear dollars to ctv

21% 20201 linear tv budgets are excpected to shift to ctv

data driven marketing

lead gen

hitting people in market

micro target



from a tv basis

never been done before


trying to move a certain make and model

not just hitting with a newspaper or display ad

put ctv to work

hit them with video ad

needs to be done the right way

that's where the cox DDC ASC comes in

Emotional Impact

How do they make dollars work more

Changed assumptions about



show all stats and facts on why they need to move now


digital medias

now lets bring it back to them

we know you have to stretch dollars more

challenges of efficiencies of buying digital vs general tv

You don't want to be left behind

other delaers are doing this

we;ve shown you the stats

let us be those consultants to take you in to the new century in buying video

we can get you there

Chance to grow

in many cases people talk about defensive measures

why you need to do this because you're just going to lose lose and lose

not about losing

about winning

this is a way for you to increase market share

do something at an incresased ROI

to drive busyines and take business from others

becuase you're a head of the game

New Way Foreward


Why CTV for your clients

"Use the power of TV to do that."

power of television with the specificity of digital

first timethis has been done

hit households with targeted accuracy

we've never had this within the big sets

hit a housse hold

hitt consumers

with targetted accuracy and use tv to do this

now size and scale of this marketplace

local and regional basis as well

with Cox and DDC Resources and data points

no one else can come close to that type of targeting

efficiency of audience targeting

leveraging aggregated data across multiple media properties

isnight, educations and resources

let us be your consultant

it's the data sets the only cox has in this area

The Solution

New training coming soon!

right content, maybe the wrong audience at the wrong stage, with the wrong message