A role of a teacher in the educational process







offering feedback and correction



the most common role

teachers are in charge of the class

the most important role

organising students to do various activities

grading students in various ways

joining in the activities not as a teacher, but as a participant in their own right

offering guidance to students as to where they can look for the information

encouraging students to use resource material for themselves, and to become more independent in their learning generally

combining the roles of prompter and resource

pointing students in directions they haven't thought of taking yet

observing what students do to give them the necessary feedback

taking notes while observing

observing in order to judge the success of different materials and activities they take into lessons

has its prons and cons

choosing the necessary tools to make the learning process clearer

helping students to move forward by encouraging them to think creatively

suggesting ideas/words/phrases that could help students to learn

resisting the urge to spoon-feed their students so that they become over-reliant on us