Head and Shape Normal texture and distribution.
Nails Pink in color, normal shape, No koilonychias, No pitting. prolong capillary refill time 7 sec , No clubbing finger
Eyes inspect :No redness in sclera, no discharge, conjunctiva mild pale both eye,
conjunctiva no FB no discharge no jaundice ,pupils2 mm.. React to
right both eye and Invisible right eye. Ears Pre –Post auricular lymph node not palpable, mastoid not tenderness or
swelling, no discharge, both tympanic membrane intact and normal color, no
perforation, light reflex present, good hearing.No discharge, NO intact ears Face Symmetry, normal shape, no muscle weakness, no deformity, no tenderness of
both frontal and maxillary sinus. Nose Symmetrical, no rhinorrhea and other discharge , no septal deviation or