Developing Emotional Intelligence

Four components of emotional intelligence

Emotional Self-Awareness

Emotional Self-Management

Social Awareness

Relationship Management

How to know your own emotions

Empathizing accurately with other people's emotion

Knowing your feelings in the moment

Managing strong feelings

Handling emotions in relationship with skill and harmony .

  1. build a vocab of feelings
  1. be mindful of emotional as they are happening
  1. understand what is causing your emotion
  1. recognize the difference between a feeling and resulting actions

Reducing Stress

Unhealthy stress can result into addictive habits such as drinking,drugs,etcc...

If stress is not reduced it can lead to metal illness and us sick. People with high stress are more likely to develop a cold then low stress people .

Feeling overwhelmed is a high symptoms of having really high stress . It can feel like everything is crashing down all at once.

Increasing Happiness

There is a limit on happiness, Everyone has a set point on happiness that is controlled by their genes .

Hedonic adaptation works when something good happens then we become used to it and slde back down to our happiness set point.

Savoring pleasures can increase happiness you can experience savoring many ways examples like eating a delicious chocolate or watching a kitten play ,etcc..

Know and accepting yourself

Knowing an accepting yourself can boost yourself confidence and if you have more self confidence it reduces stress and increasing happiness and overall a better lifestyle.

If you accept yourself you will know your own strengths and weakness will make you understand yourself more and explain to other people how you operate.

Self-esteem and core beliefs

High self-esteem is the fuel to the cycle of success

low Self-esteem people will result to failure after something bad and people with higher self-esteem will result into trying again if they fail.