Week 9:
At 9 weeks pregnant, morning sickness is peaking, and you may be dealing with mood swings, heartburn, and other pregnancy symptoms. Meanwhile, your baby is growing, looking more human, and even moving around.
week 10:
At 10 weeks pregnant, you’re getting close to the end of your first trimester. You may be wondering when those pesky early pregnancy symptoms will start to fade or getting ready to share your big news with the world. Meanwhile, your baby is growing and hitting a big milestone at the end of this week.
week 11:
At 11 weeks pregnant, your baby has reached an exciting developmental milestone. The embryo stage is complete, and your baby is now a fetus! But, it isn't just your baby growing this week. You may notice your hair and nails getting longer, and possibly the beginnings of a baby bump.
week 12:
You are three months along! At 12 weeks pregnant, you may be feeling some much-needed relief from early pregnancy symptoms. Your baby looks like a tiny formed human, and your uterus is finally growing up and out of your pelvis.