Need for Racially Diverse School Curriculums
This means that K -12 students should be taught about all races and cultures to avoid discrimination and the formation of superiority complexes. Additionally, studies have shown that knowledge about other cultures stimulates the mind and provides a comfortable learning environment for students.





  • Racial underrepresentation
    People in society, generally people of color, commonly feel underrepresented in school curriculums. For example, the picture books read in elementary schools won't have their race shown as the protagonists.
  • Formation of racist ideas and mindsets
    Without a racially inclusive curriculum, many children will grow up with racist ideals and is more probable to discriminate others, since they are not aware of various cultures and people around them. It is also stated that "systemic racism in education is a root cause of so many inequities that BIPOC face".
  • Media influence
    Media such as movies and video clips directly lead to students feeling under representatives, because teachers tend to show younger students clips of white people rather than BIPOC. This article shows how the media tends to cast white actors as heroes and subordinates other groups as villains or sidekicks.
  • Denial of Racism
    Some people around the country choose to deny the existence of racism. In this article, it shows how some people are still debating "on whether systemic racism exists".
  • More projects and discussions in class
    By incorporating diversity into already existing lesson plans, students can gain a deeper understanding of different cultures which has a large amount of proven benefits. Teachers can also hold constant conversations with their students to incorporate racial inclusivity in their lessons.
  • Mandate list of books to read (novels/textbook)
    EducateTheFuture, an initiative, hopes to solve this exact problem and implement racially diverse curriculums in schools by writing a bill to mandate certain books which share the stories of minorities across the country.
  • Discrimination
    The lack of racially diverse curriculums in elementary, middle, and high schools will lead to discrimination in higher education and the work space.
  • Lack of cultural knowledge
    Many students/children will grow up without learning about various cultures and their practices, traditions, and values. It has been proven that learning about other cultures stimulates the mind, promotes understanding and prepares people to cope with the changing world.
  • Comfortable learning
    It has also been proven that the implementation of diversity in education provides students with a more comfortable learning environment. This effect is an example of an outcome that would occur if the curriculum was implemented.

Human Life and Dignity
This means that every person is made in the image of God. It means that every life is sacred and everyone is worthy of respect.
This connects to my topic because everyone needs to be respected and in the workplace, some people are not treated fairly and therefore we need an established racially diverse school curriculum.

Call to Family, Community, and Participation.
This CST shows the right and duty to participate in society, seeking together a common good and well being of all. This Catholic Social Teaching connects to my topic because this need is a call for families and communities to come together and establish this curriculum which will only benefit the greater good. The actions that people would take to implement various solutions would be a direct participation in society.

  • Lack of diverse student population
    Many schools find it unnecessary to have a diverse curriculum if there is a lack in diverse student population. This will lead to much discrimination and racism in the work field.
  • Banning of Books
    When governments "ban" books (remove them from school curriculums) they are limiting the materials that can be used to learn about different cultures around the world. In the article Con #2 describes how books lead to more cultural knowledge, and how that is beneficial.

Current Example: People's Reaction to George Floyd
During the numerous protests regarding police brutality after the tragic incident of George Floyd, many people still chose to deny the existence of racism. As Jeremy C. McCool said that "this denial is the action that continues to normalize mistreatment and further divides the nation". This normalization of mistreatment is a cause for change.

  • Superiority complex
    For some people the lack of diversity in education will lead to the formation of superiority complexes. Some people will feel that since they aren't aware of other cultures they aren't as important which directly will lead to racism and discrimination.

Current Example: Brian Jones
This article talks about Brian Jones, a Black American, who grew up in America and has faced much racial discrimination in the workplace. He recalls that his appearance led people to would mark him "as inferior, worthy of ridicule, humiliation or ostracism." With the implementation of a racially diverse curriculum this discrimination may not be prevented, but at least limited.

Current Example: Educate the Future
I, along with two of my friends, work for this initiative, where we have plans to carry out the solutions mentioned above. The founder of the initiative has an idea/ draft for a bill that she could potentially get passed in the future to help solve this issue.




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