Causes and consequences of migration

Economical factors- People want to move to this place with opportunities. This is why the USA is a big destination for immigrants because of its economical opportunities. Recovery of natural factors becomes a pull factor. New workers and helpers bring new opportunities.

Political factors- People want to go to areas which are politically stable where there is less tension and their safety. People want to go to areas which have less crime and government is supporting their citizens, fulfilling their needs, helping economy grow, and make sure there is no recession

Environmental factors- People are attracted towards places which not only promote happy life or successful economy but also a healthy environment. People do not want live in areas too high ,too cold ,too dry or too wet

Cultural factors - This varies for each person as everyone has different cultures and perspectives. Some want to move to a big city for diversity. They willl be able to experience a faster pace life. Some want to move to a suburb where there is less crime and a homogenous area. Some people prefer rural areas where you have a small family and you are famillliar with everyone

Negative Impact

Mountains, Government laws, Money, Unemployment, Wars and conflicts, transportation and communication barriers


Positive Impacts of Migration

Unemployment is reduced and people get better job opportunities.

Migration helps in improving the quality of life of people.

It helps to improve social life of people as they learn about new culture, customs, and languages which helps to improve brotherhood among people.

Migration of skilled workers leads to a greater economic growth of the region.

Children get better opportunities for higher education.

The loss of a person from rural areas, impact on the level of output and development of rural areas.The influx of workers in urban areas increases competition for the job, houses, school facilities etc.

It is difficult for a villager to survive in urban areas because in urban areas there is no natural environment and pure air. They have to pay for each and everything.Poverty makes them unable to live a normal and healthy life.

Migration changes the population of a place.Many migrants are completely illiterate and uneducated, therefore, they are not only unfit for most jobs, but also lack basic knowledge and life skills.

Children growing up in poverty have no access to proper nutrition, education or health.Migration increased the slum areas in cities which increase many problems such as unhygienic conditions, crime, pollution etc.

Migration is one of the main causes of increasing nuclear family where children grow up without a wider family circle.Having large population puts too much pressure on natural resources, amenities and services.
