Hearing Disorders
Conductive hearing loss
Definition : Problem with sounds being sent through the outer and middle ear which causes sounds to be muffled.
Foreign object in the ear canal
Illicit drug use
Blockage due to wax
Family history
Medical conditions
Industrial chemicals
Noisy environment
Physical examination
Inspection of the tympanic membrane for obstruction
Tympanic membrane mobility testing requires pneumatic bulb
Inspection of the auditory canal
Evaluation of vestibular
Examination of the sinuses and the neck
Training in utilizing nonverbal cues
Enhanced communication skills
Client should be provided with communication therapy pragrammes
Avoid noisy environments
Health education
keep up with the follow up dates
Stop smoking
Take medication as prescribed by the doctor
Keep your ears clean and dry
Avoid noisy environments
Nursing care plan
Promote hygiene
Advice patient to use warm heating pads to promote vasodilation
Assist patient to sit in a comfortable position
Promote an environment with less noise
Administer medication as prescribed by the doctor
Assess clients hearing ability
Monitoring of vital signs
Advice family members not to shout when speaking to the client at home.