Types of violence
Violence at home
conflictive situations (physical fights), due to the modification of rules, the demands of the children, etc.
Teen dating violence
It is the violence between adolescent dating partners as is control over the other, gestures of humiliation, forcing to have sexual relations, etc.
Violence at school
It is better known as bullying, which is defined as the type of violence that a student exerts towards another student or teacher, that involves three people: the spectator, the victim and the aggressor
Street violence
Type of violence that occurs in the form of groups of adolescents such as: "gangs or street gangs", in order to commit criminal acts or have fun doing harm to other people
Aggressor or harassment by means of threatening messages, publication of degrading photos or videos, teasing and public insults on social networks, etc. In order to damage social integrity
Types manifest violence in adolescence
Verbal violence
Physical violence
Violence/psychological abuse
It manifests itself through insults, yelling, etc., which can lead to physical damage
Hitting, slapping, and shoving are used to cause damage to the body. This is the most alarming
It is a more subtle type of violence, in which low self-esteem, lack of autonomy, fear of their partner, etc. can be caused in the victim, through humiliation, contempt and threats