Noticeably, instead of directly stating “Lola’s ashes”, Tizon started off with “the ashes”. The use of “the” creates a vague statement about the owner of the ashes. The readers would know that some kind of life died, but they would not be able to identify if it was a human or animal. Therefore, this vague statement here draws the readers’ interest to learn more about the story. “Black” symbolize death, evil, and mystery. The description of “a black plastic box” further enhanced the truth of death. Also, with the additional description of “the size of a toaster” and “weighed three and a half pounds”, the box that contains Lola’s ashes appears in front of the readers’ eyes vividly. Before Tizon packaged the box into his suitcase, he put the box “in a canvas tote bag”. Instead of putting the box directly into the suitcase, the additional step of putting the box into a bag implies the importance of the owner of the ashes to Tizon. He cared about how the ashes are treated even though the ashes cannot feel anything, just as we treat our mother’s remains as treasure.