I took this assessment a few times, and arbitrator came up as my top career choice each time. I had a score of 23 for realistic, 17 for investigative, 21 for artistic, 35 for social, 34 for enterprising, and 25 for conventional. This means I like working with and helping others the most. I also like to start business projects and take risks for profits, but to follow procedures and have a clear set of rules to go by. I chose job zone 5 initially because I want to see jobs I could have if I keep going with my education and keep on working towards higher earning, more important positions. Some other careers on the list for me for ob zone 5 were clinical nurse specialists, medical and health services managers, and adapted phys ed specialists. These careers had a symbol next to them meaning they are projected to grow. At job zone 4, I had credit counselors. I am listing the jobs that stood out to me. I also had equal opportunity reps and advisors, and HR reps. Social worker is on this list as well, but not as a best fit. For job zone 3, I had concierges and flight attendants. Job zone 2 was food servers, farm hands, crossing guards, and one was baristas.