Identify and help a struggling student

Signs of struggling students

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Student get easily frustrated, they are not in control of their emotions, become anxious and stressed when things don't go their way, become aggressive with other kids.

Based on my pre-K Pony Class

Student is disruptive during lessons. They are energetic and loud. They don't follow classroom rules.

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Teaching methods: Teacher finds ways to accommodate student. Explore teaching methods that with help students behavior. For examply introduce visuals and videos. Introduce art activities that will help keep students busy.

Teacher to ensure that the learning environment is calm and safe for other students.

Other learning difficulties

Messy handwriting.

Lacks self-motivation.

Has difficulty staying on task.

Takes longer than normal to complete written work.

Easily disruptive

Becomes anxious and stressed about homework.

Struggles to follow lesson and direction.

Never finish work on time.

Next steps

If students do no show any improvement

Teacher work closely with parents and encourage support at home. Find different strategies to support the student e.g. one on one time

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Strategies to support the student

Teacher work closely with parents and encourage support at home. Find different strategies to support the student e.g. one on one time

More tests and reviewing

Spend more time with student - one on one

Trouble remembering work taught

Proceed to seek help by notifying the school councilor/principal.

Supply notes on students learning and behavior in class. Provide enough evidence to support my case.

After school has done everything they can to support and accommodate the student, parents to be called in for meeting to discuss way forward.

Both school and parents to agree on comprehensive assessments and tests to be done.

After test results are presented, the school and parents come to an agreement on whether the student needs to join a special needs centre.

School Principal.

Reference: Advanced Learners. © 2009-2020 Retrieved Dec 5 2020.

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