While both advertisements seem to be portraying a lot of different characters, activities as well as different scenery throughout the video. Coca Cola focuses mainly on celebrating the differences, while Pepsi, on being the same. In other words, Coca Cola attempts to appeal to many different individuals through depicting different genders, ages, nationalities, etc doing activities ranging from, a game of spin-the-bottle, freestyle wheelchair, singing in car, dancing and enjoying the beach to jumping into a lake; it’s overarching message is that no one lived the same life as you, and that YOU are special because of that; so you should celebrate that with a coke that is for everyone, but also for you specifically. Pepsi, on the other hand implies that (a) Pepsi has been drunk by your family, friends, for generations and (b) that all the famous people, people you admire also drank Pepsi. Therefore it tries to imply that if one drinks a Pepsi, one will be just like (a) the people they hold dear to them => respecting tradition; (b) the people they admire, respect, want to be like => wanting to be successful, rich, famous, etc.