·Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): strong, waterproof, durable.Use for tubes and pipes.
·Polystyrene (PS): -Hard: transparent, can be coloured.Use for
CD cases.
-Expanded(porexpan): porous, soft.Use for
·Polythene (PE): -High density HDPE: rigid, resistant,
transparent.Use for toys.
-Low density LDPE: soft, light, transparent.Use
for bags.
·Polypropylene (PP): flexible, resistant to chemicals, hard
surface.Use for ropes.
·Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)(Plexiglas'): transparent.Use for windows.
·Teflon'(fluorocarbon): non-stick, high heat resistance.Use for paints.
·Cellophane (biodegradable): transparent, flexible, resistant, shiny, adhesive.Use for wrapping.
·Nylon (PA or polyamide)(damaged by light): translucent, shiny, resistant, flexible, waterproof.Use for fabrics.