Patient: SS, 58 y/o female
Full code, Fall risk, no isolation, NKDA
Primary Dx: Bacteremia, Severe Back Pain
Hx: Patient reported to ED on 11/14 complaining of sudden, severe lumbar pain radiating to R. leg above the knee.
Comorbidities: HTN, CHF, COPD, Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Bipolar Depression
Urine clear, yellow, no odor
Intimacy v. Isolation: patient is talkative and striving for connections with others, will to talk about all history
9/10 pain in neck
only relief is narcotics, movement worsens and sharp pain radiates down spine/shoulders
ND3: Readiness for enhanced learning r/t pain control AEB patient verbalizing desire to learn non-pharmacological interventions
Docusate 100mg PO BID, given at 0900
Normal s1 and s2, no extra heart sounds, no murmurs
Radial and DP pulse 80, 2+ bilat.
Deep, even, unlabored, no accessory muscle usage.
Clear on inhalation, Wheezes on exhalation in all lung fields
warm and dry, turgor elastic