Nicole 12-1 ROTD MINDMAP Day Two- Morning Salisbury
Mr Stevens
Miss Kenton
Lord Darlington
Dr Meredith
Herr Karl-Heinz Bremann
Sir Richard Fox
Sir David Cardinal
Mr Lloyd George
young Mr Cardinal
Mr Lewis
the kindness and rightness will have good results. For example, Lord Darlington gathers these gentles together for this conference is because he want to revise the Treaty of Versailles, because British people think is unfair to Germany, and the American gentleman Mr Lewis want to get benefit from that so he abets Mr Dupont not to support British people. However at the end, Mr Dupont still agree with the idea of Lord Darlington.
the time after WWII
memory back to the time when Lord Darlington is the owner
during the car travel
"dignity" is a important quality which can differ the good butler and the normal ones, and all the butler tries to pursuit it and admire someone who has it. Like Stevens, he really respect butlers who has that dignity, and tries a lot for achieving it. When he knows his father dies, he still finishes his work perfectly despite his personal emotion and this gives him a lot of satiisfaction.
the life of these maids and butlers is really restrained because if they fall in love this will largely impact the situation of the hall so this will be forbid
people in the hall all will treasure their job. For example like Miss Kenton she is annoyed that someone else look down at her and her ability. In addition, Mr Stevens always wants to finishes his work perfectly even he is actually can not afford that workload, he will practice and try to do best as he can, sees the job position like the jewel.
Stevens chooses not crash a ken when it on the middle of the way he wants to go, and a miss thanks to him and invites him for tea, he feels the warmth and being happy to be kind
Miss Kenton and Stevens always have conflict on the work, like they will try to correct small details of the other person's work in order to show your ability. Everything depends on Stevens correcting Miss Kenton's work at the beginning. After that, even their communication was through messages or notes from other people.
Miss Kenton thinks mistakes in work are not tolerated. I saw Mr Stevens holding the plate with his nose hanging in a dinner party and once fell down on the steps. Therefore, suggests to Stevens that his father could no longer be qualified for the position of deputy housekeeper due to his health problems. Meanwhile, Lord Darlington gently suggested to Stevens the idea of reducing his father's workload. It should have been tactfully expressed to Mr Stevens, but due to the large party, the quality of the banquet could not be affected due to Mr Stevens's physical condition, so it could only be directly expressed to him.
Stevens also accepts another job which is to teach the son of Sir David Cardinal that there are differences between male and female since he is already so busy
Stevens' father had suffered a stroke and his health was deteriorating, and during the banquet he had little time to visit his father because he had to take care of the gentlemen and arrange all the work. always been Miss Kenton to take care of his father in his place. Until he was finally informed that his father was in critical condition and had no time to see him until he died. Stevens Please Miss Kenton help close the Mr Stevens's eyes. Because he wants to do his job perfectly, without any personal emotions.
son of Mr David Cardinal who is going to marry and know little about the things between male and female
the prime minister of a conference which Lord Darlington attended
a colleague from LD's lordship's Foreign Office days
the doctor be call to check the condition of Mr Stevens and then be arrange to help Mr Dupont
has good ability at work
Self-esteem is very strong
takes care of Old Stevens
pursuit for dignity
respect others even ppl work for him
consider for the condition for Germany
a real gentleman
treasure his job
a officer during the wartime
seems suffer a lot and becoming depressed
shot himself in a train between Hamburg and Berlin
be deposit by his family and dies alone
LD's friend who also attend to this conference, has a son
the Frenchman who be invite to the conference by LD because they want him to support them to alter the treaty
reaches the hall with bad temper because he thinks his leg is really hurt and always ask Stevens for bandage
finally support LD on the ideas to alter the treaty
an American senator
always has genial smile on his face
engage informal manner
tries to let Mr Dupont do not support British ppl's idea on altering treaty
insult on LD
The Remains of the Day-Prologue:July 1965
the time of recording start at 🖊1965
⭐period of time after WWII
the social status is important at that time
British noble hall-Darlington Hall
very loyal to his job
very up-tight
consider work as a butler in such hall is a priviliage
rarely have free time
maybe fancy Miss Kenton wants to go back
click to edit
Mr Farraday
like joking
will not move in the hall right now because have some affairs in USA
offer the Ford car and oil fee let Stevens to have a car travel
Present owner of Darlington Hall and master of Stevens
wants Stevens to arrange a group of helpful employee for the ahll
Miss Kenton
her letter makes Stevens changes his mind and decides to go the car travel
her marriage is going to the end
worked in the Darlington Hall
she is clever and good at work
left DH and moves to Cornwall in 1963
Mrs Clements
a maid of DH
Lord Darlington
previous master of Stevens and the original owner of DH
Mrs Jane Symons
the most popular guest for DH because she always praise Stevens
she creates the"The wonder of England"
Stevens likes her work and used to look them
this work has beautiful pictures in it
Mr Graham
Stevens's friend
a butler who works for Sir James and now is no longer works for him
Day One-Evening Salisbury
during the time when Stevens starts to travel
after WWII
Stevens starts his car travel and begin to feel unfamiliar as far as the car moves
Stevens meets a man who seems like a local farmer who is enthusiasic and recommended him to see the sightseeing of the whole town on the top of the mountain edge and Stevens almost fall in love with it
Steven momerizes a lot about the things when the burtlers gather around and talk about who is the best butler, and judge the unfair of the Hayes Society, Stevens thinks the club doesnt know what is a truely good burtler
Stevens illustrate his father' experience when he was young and work for his own master, his father is the one who has the "dignity" because he doesnt allow other insult his master and he will give up personal disputes for the sake of conscientiousness
Stevens feel good to live in a down town inn and feel the same living of citizens
really like the noble culture of British, and thinks the real butler only exsists in UK
appricate the 'dignity'
loves the down town sightseeings
Mr Stevens( Stevens's father)
loyal to his job
strong, brave and respect his master
the own who owns the sprit of 'dignity', always stays in the position
Mrs Symons
who is a writer who decribe the beautiful sightseeing
Mr Marshall & Mr Lane
two burtlers who have several vitures and provide high quality service for their masters and be consider as good butler
Mr Jack Neighbours
a burtler who be killed during the war time and butlers always tells about his frustrating past and utter he is the best butler
Mr Graham
Stevens' friend, and be appriciate by him, who have intelligent debates with Stevens
Mr David Charles
a gentleman of the Charles and Redding Company
Visited DH from time to time during Lord Darlington's days
tells about the brave and treasure experience of Old Stevens
Mr Smith & Mr Jones
wo gentlemen who drunk when meets Mr DC,ask Old Stevens to drive them for several places and insult Old Stevens' master so they be warn in a clam way
Mr John Slivers
Stevens' father's former master
"dignity",which is the important sprit of being a butler, bulter must always stay at the position, the work, the service, even include his own social status
Stevens' father is the one who have that kind of "dignity", he always put himself at the appropriate position
ROTD-Day Two-Afternoon Mortimer's Pond, Dorset
different generations of butlers
old generation
they sees the world as ladder, the height that they reach is represent their professional reputation
the old/ high social status family is much better than who owns wealth
new generation
they seems the world as tyre, people and butlers are all around the gentleman and the hall they live
butlers now more focus on relying on a high social status master, they will be consider as good butlers if they serve for a prominent family without consideration on their own reputation and ability
they want to serve someone who will not waste their time for changing a job, they want good and stable environment
think about the consequnce instead of how to prove their speciailty
gentleman is who owns ability and power to control the development of the society and butler's job is to serve them and provide good conditions for them which can let them focus better at job
serving and connecting with prominent family is prerequisite to be consider as a outstanding butler
as a British butler, can not talk about the experience about serving pervious master
dignity still is a important quality which can differ the good butler and normal ones
thinks about there is must be some good qualities that one butler has to prove he is outstanding
always consider how to be a good butler
a traditional person who always follow the routine and never talk about the experience he served for Lord Darlington since he starts to serve Mr Farrday
proud and satisfy about working in Darlington Hall
Mr George Ketteridge
even though his social status is low but he contributes a lot to the nation so then be consider a prominent gentleman afterwards
Lord Darlington
a real genetleman who has good quality and ability
ppl who spread rumors about him will show their own shortages compares to LD
Mr Farraday
know a lot about the history about England
feels angry about Stevens acts so traditional which makes him akward
The Wakefields
Americans who owned British style hall
Friends to Mr Farraday
don't believe about the hall and Stevens with long history can trace back, think they are fake
Stevens momerizes about the unity called Hayes Society and compares about the old generation of butler and the new generation, disscuss about the different qualities they have each
The Ford car from Mr Farraday`has some problem and seems some smoke comes out and he sees a old style builing and Stevens wants to find a car driver there for fixing the car
there is a bulter in the builing helps Stevens fix the car and talk about the job and his own background and Steven denies that he served Lord Darlington before
the man from the house recommened Stevens to visit a beautiful pond and Stevens drives there and finds out he passed there once before and sets down look at these nice and peaceful scenes
Tracing back to the time Mr Farraday just bought the Darlington Hall, one of Mr Farraday's friend, Mr Wakefield and his wife comes to the hall for visiting, when Mrs Wakefield asks Stevens about the past, Stevens denies about the fact he served for Lord Darlington and Mr Farraday is angry about this because he thinks this makes himself awkard for telling the house with the old butler can be traced back for a long time
ROTD Day Three-Morning Taunton Somerset
National Fascist Party(PNF)
a fascist political party in Italy and the ruling party in Italy from 1992 to 1943
the sliver polish is a big deal during the time of the old generation of butlers, sometimes the small details will have a big effect
people who work for a prominent master and has his privilege of profession can get satisfaction from work, these ppl who work for mediocre masters can not understand this, the feeling that he contributes for the progress of the history
Lord Halifax
a cabinet minister at that time and will become a forigen secretary soon
he is nervous that he has no idea why he comes
relieves his nervous mood when he sees the nice polished and clean sliverware in the hall
the first person who recorgnize the sliverware are important
butler in Charlemagne Hall
the guests visit the Charlemagne Hall are all obssessed about the sliverware he shows up
used to finest sliver polish available
apper in the beginning of the twenties
important to the butlers in the previous generation because the clean sliverware will win the praise from guests
Jack Nebles
he puts many effort on polishing sliver, but no result of that
Mr Ribentrop
respectful and many Mrs and Mr with high social status like him
ppl now thinks he is a liar who comes to England for completing the wish of Hitler
always on the guest list
has no sence of humor
might likes Miss Kenton and always fancy that she is really want to go back to work
Lord Darlington
there are many rumors about him
ppl says he is a anti-semitism, however he talks this in the public that he hates the anti-semitism more than once
because of the leader of the orgnization called "blackshirts", the man called Sir Oswald Mosley visits the Darlington Hall for no more than three times that people says he connects with the group, however he had no further associates with the leader after he knows the true fact
He is a genetleman who focus on working at the progress of history and pay no attention on accosicates with any group
ppl says he be welcomed by the German when he goes to Germany, and says he connects with Nazi, however the situation is the nobles from England are all be welcomed by these Germans
Ms Astor
she says the utensils in Darlington Hall are nice polished and clean
Mr George Bernard Shaw
the renowned playwright, at dinner one evening, examining closely the dessert spoon before him, desipte other guests
Stevens lives in a inn called The Coarch and Horses, people here are very enthusiastic, they talks to Stevens and make jokes, however, Stevens has no sence of humor, so he can not respond well to them and he feels sorry about that
Stevens momerize about when Mr Farraday tells jokes that he can not respond to him, and he says he always listen to a program which he called it " twice a week or more"to learn how to be humorous
The second day 10 a.m., Stevens goes to another at the town to drink morning tea, there is not popular, just few ppl and two young waitress
the signspot of one village of Mursden, which brings up Stevens that the place has a company called "Giffen" which is famous between butlers is because it makes perfect sliver polish, and outstanding butlers will buy products from it
for the old generation of butlers, ppl like Stevens's father, these butlers cares about sliver polish, and now this detail will make important impression of the ability of a butler, so these butlers will try to figure out a good way to polish sliver products
the utensils in Darlington hall are always praised by the guests
the nice polished sliverwares in Darlington hall relieve the relationship between Lord Halifax and Mr Ribentrop
there are many rumors about Lord Darlington such as he connects with Nazi and hates the jews, these are unreal, and Lord Darlington is a real genetleman
because of the lack of ppl works in the hall, there is a mistake at April that when Mr Farraday ready to use the sliver fork, he finds out the fork is unclean, Stevens changes it, but he feels sorry and akward
Stevens reads the letters from Miss Kenton many times during night, and thinks she is really want to go back to Darlington Hall
Nicole 12-1
Day Three-Evening Moscombe, near Tavistock Devon
maybe thinks beautiful female maids and love will impact the normal working efficiency
finds excuse for himself for reading a love story because he thinks these words in formal books will provide no help for him to rise his English using ability which he need to use while talking to ladies and gentleman
wants to give others a impression that he is always have a thing to do even while the free time because he thinks this will help him to be a good butler
can not accept himself have personal emotions and also can not tolerate other ppl who work in the hall have it
Mrs Carolyn Bamet
used to be a member of National Fascist Party
widow of Mr Charles Bamet
Mr Darlington's friend and talks about political things with him
George Andrews
friend of Taylors
very respect to Stevens
strong but coarse
Trevor Morgan
seems really similar to GA on apperance
Taylors' friend, says sth about GA
Mr Harris Smith and Mrs Harris Smith
Mr Harries: short and nervous/ Mrs Harris: tall and strong
Mr Lindsay
arrogant and opinionated
a unqualified gentleman
ppl live in the town dont like him
Dr Carlyle
a busy and friendly gentleman
Taylors and other ppl are really like him
very kind and willing to help Stevens to add gasoline for Ford
Lord Halifax and Mr Eden
guest for Darlington hall for talking about political problems
Sir Leonard
thinks that the public is the wisest arbiter
Mr Spencer
thinks that public is unable to make decision about important events
Mr Churchill
not so important in foreign affairs
Lord Darlington
seems to be a nazi since he wants Stevens to fire that two Jewish maid for no reason
butlers and housekeepers and maids who work in hall can not hold personal emotions while they working because this will bring negative impact to the hall
good butlers will never give others a impression that he has nothing to do
these common citizens can never make big decisions which can influence the society and history like these gentleman do
Stevens seems to change the critics on Mr Darlington's attitude toward Jewish people, because Mrs Carolyn Barnet have influence on him, they talk and go to the east of London to see the poorest region
Mr Darlington wants Stevens to fire these two Jewish maids work in the hall, and Stevens tells this to Miss Kenton with very clam tone, but Miss Kenton can not accept this and very angry, says she will leave they do this
Stevens seems Miss Kenton gradually act less on this thing so always mention this for joking, and a year later, Stevens talks to Miss Kenton that he feels wrong that fire that two Jewish maids, and Miss Kenton blames Stevens didnt say anything at that time really hurts her
Lisa is a lazy girl who will try to work at Darlington hall for replacing as a new maid, she has bad behaviors at previous work places, however Miss Kenton ignore the warning from Stevens and keep her, then successfully trains her to a good maid but she falls love with another butler in the hall and they leave together with letters without any thankful words to Miss Kenton so she is regret
Stevens lives in Taylors' house because the Ford car is broken, and he feels wired because the couple tells almost everybody at the town about Stevens
Stevens feel wired when Miss Kenton come in his working room and tries to take his book to see what kind of book he is reading, and it is a love story in this book
Miss Kenton becomes emotional and takes a lot time when she has a free time for going out and back late, and always receive letters from a man
Miss Kenton be influnced when she knows her aunt died
Mr Harris says that dignity is sth that every British citizen can strive for which Stevens doesn't agree, but Stevens thinks it is not necessary to argue because he thinks these ppl live in the town is outdated and never can do a thing to influence the society
some gentleman comes to Darlington hall and talk political topics with Mr Darlington and when they have rest, they ask Stevens about some political questions and Stevens says don't know because he thinks this is the best way to respond and make these gentleman happy
individual thoughts
why the public can not make the important decisions for changing the society and the history
how will the society develop that only the small group ppl hold power and right to decide how the society goes, so no one represent the public?
why the housekeepers and butlers need to pretend they always have things to do to make the good impression?
why Miss Kenton be that curious to what book that Stevens is reading?
does Stevens feel regret when he sees these citizens have the normal life that he never has?
Day Four - Afternoon Little Compton, Cornwall
individual thoughts
why Miss Kenton likes Stevens and she wants he to know this even after she agrees to marry another guy
why Stevens always lie to himself for getting that dignity, will he regret?
Stevens seems to pretend he is loyal to Lord Darlington
Stevens is always repress his personal emotions for getting dignity
Stevens is at Compton and he is almost on the way to meet Miss Kenton, he stays at the little nice restaurant and brings up some memory
Dr Carlyle talks about the opinions that the citizens live in the town and he seems does not agree with Harry, because Harry Smith wants citizens to participate in the change of the town but these people do not want big changes so they can not solve political problems, however he seems also does not understand about the definition poses by Stevens
Mr Cardinate has a sudden visit to the Darlington hall and he seems has sth to tell to Lord Darlington, but at that night Lord Darlington has some important guests to meet, German governor and British governor, and they seems going to make big decisions about sth
Mr Cardinate wants to wake Stevens up because he knows Lord Darlington have connection with Nazi and Hitler wants to use Lord Darlington to achieve his goal, but Stevens be very loyal to Lord Darlington and says he believe his master
Miss Kenton tells Stevens that she wants to leave the hall for personal things, then she tells Stevens she is going to see her lover and Stevens says nothing, and then she comes back and says she agrees to marry that man, and Stevens just says that he be happy with this
Stevens finds out that Miss Kenton cries in her room but he does not open the door and just let it go
Stevens thinks all the things he did represent he has that dignity and be very proud for himself
Miss Kenton
she seems want Stevens to say or do sth when she says she will go out to see her lover and marry him
she cried after Stevens has no reaction to what she says to him because
Dr Carlyle
he seems think Harry Smith and other citizens' definition to dignity is wrong because they just saying but they actually want these ppl with high social status to change the world
be very loyal to Lord Darlington, when Mr Cardinate tells about the rumors about his master he says he believe in his master
he seems represses his emotions and love to Miss Kenton
Lord Darlington
seems connects with Nazi and he does not realize be used by them
Mr Cardinate
he is a columnist which writing about international affairs
he suspect that Lord Darlington be used by Nazi for achieving their goal so he tries to tell Stevens
Day Six - Evening Weymouth
personal thoughts
what kind of emotion that Miss Kenton has after she marry Mr Benn with the love to Stevens, does she regret or sad or just gives up
does Stevens feel regret that he did not respond to Miss Kenton
will he tries enjoy the rest of life?
it is a such big pity that just for getting the invisible dignity and live for others, never face the own desire and emotions
past will not give us anything except memories, so just enjoy the present life and the future
never rely on others, because if that man is bad, then the whole life and the reputation will be ruin by this
Stevens is enjoy the beautiful sea sightseeing when he is setting on the bench
Stevens be called to meet a lady who is Miss Kenton, they talk politely and have some memories together such as about Lord Darlington and Stevens also wants to know is he right when he sees the letter about Miss Kenton's marriage whether happy or not, however Miss Kenton be very calm and seems not give the answer that Stevens expect and she seems not gonna back to work in Darlington hall
Stevens seems a little disappointed by the respond gives by Miss Kenton but he still says that he hopes Miss Kenton enjoys life and then Miss Kenton leaves
After that Stevens at the sea side and talks with a old man who is about 60 yrs old and he talks about the past when he was work for Lord Darlington, so many pities and he feels sorry for not provide the best service for the present master, the old man that he should enjoy life tonight and do not always look back
Stevens gets the warmth by seeing these ppl on the beach they joking and amusing each other
Mr Cardinar
young Cardinar died in wartime Belgium
Mr Benn and Miss Kenton's daugther
be told many stories about Stevens and she really wants to see him
Mr Benn
early retirement, poor health
kind and reliable
love Miss Kenton a lot
was a butler
Miss Kenton
she becomes old but also more calm and elegant, not like she was working in the hall, that energetic and noisy
she seems does not want to respond as Stevens expect and says she will stay and not go to work in Darlington hall, she says she gradually fall in love with Mr Benn after a period of time she married him
she seems love Stevens and now tries to repress her desire and emotion deep in heart