i and neighbours
forces shaping i-c relations
rise of asia post 2008 crisis
i - high GDP growth
west's declining capacity - to keep international stability
mamallapuram summit, 2019
2nd i-c informal summit
1st - wuhan summit, 2018
overview :
assam NRC
legal citizens of assam
indian citizens living in assam
list of legal citizens of assam (only state to have this doc)
persons included
name in
electoral rolls upto 24 march,1971
and their descendants
19 lakh of 3.2 crore left out
they can appeal to appellate authority - foreigners' (f) tribunal
estd under f (tribunal) order, 1964
role - to identify if a person is f or not
f meaning by f act 1946 - person who isn't i citizen
power of civil court
currently functioning in assam only
doc governed/exist by
citizenship act 1955
citizenship rules 2003
2010 MoHA order
way forward
trade relations
2000: indo-SL FTA
i is SL's largest trading partner - 1.4 billion $
dev/infra coop
50000 housing units in SL
cultural centre at jaffna
restored thirukitisu virasam temple
i to
develop trincomalee port
jaffna-colombo rail track
kankesanthurai port
upgrade & operate mattala airport
defence coop
boundary line
1974 - 'maritime boundary line agreement' - kacchateevu island given to SL
challenges in relation
china factor
SL endorsed BRI
SL leased hambantota port to china - part of string of pearls
debt trap on SL - 1.2 billion $ debt to equity swap agreement
ethnic issue
conflict b/w sinhala majority & tamil minority
fishing disputes
straying of fishermen in each others' territorial waters
fishermen arrests - indian > SLan : reasons
less fish in indian waters
lack of multi-day fishing capability
bottom trawling (env enemy) by i fishermen
banned by SL
2016 - 'joint working group' - bottom trawling to be abandoned
good occasion to build mutual trust
i to respect sovereignty of smaller neighbour
general points - eco coop, resolve disputes
1965 - from UK
i - 1st country to recognise independence
1988 - "operation cactus" by i - to secure democracy in maldives
2010 - mohammad nashir - 1st democratically elected president
2012 coup - abdullah yameen abdul gayoom becomes president
nashir took refuge in indian embassy
2018 - emergency declared by yameen - i largely silent
defence relations
2013 - i-SL-maldives trilateral security initiative - to strengthen maritime security
2016 - i-maldives action plan for defence
building ports and giving training to maldives forces
economic relations
1981 - trade agreement
700 crore rs trade
dev cooperation - i's construction & aid
faculty of engineering tech
faculty of hospitality & tourism industries
40 million $ credit
china factor
maldives support to MSR(maritime silk road) & BRI
2012 - ibrahim naseer airport modernisation project - cancelled with GMR (i's company) and given to chinese company
2017 - FTA
low bilateral trade - 200 million $
India's Neighbourhood policy
work on making clarity on policies
creating interdependence in this region (South Asian region is the least integrated region across the word
a plan for continuous engagement at various levels with diplomacy aligned in a manner that does not make our neighbours feel marginalised
better connectivity with n with better planning & infrast
it should be linked with software of connectivity so as to make it realistic
eg most connectivity constraints can be solved with the help of automation and software
eg - in Europe most constraints in connectivity and people transit are remove with help of automation and softwares
give them importance by providing them national treatment wrt use of our transportation network, ports, exports & imports(i.e allow them to use our infrast)
work more closely with like minded partners that are fellow democracies
resolve conflicts via coordination & integration wrt our developmental activities in n c
India's engagement with n countries should not be episodic or event oriented it should be process oriented
current policy - episodic
I takes decisions on our relations with n by considering our domestic situations - no stable policy
not good idea as domestic drivers most of the times put foreign policy objectives to a lower position
eg - issue with Bangladesh due to India's CAA
relations with n getting deteriorated since we accuse them of engaging with China
World now become an open competitive market and countries that depend on India are now adopting a first come, first serve policy now
Conutries having bilateral rel with I 's n are working in parallel w/o coordinating with each other
eg - in Nepal, the Britain, Japan, US and India had their own dev cooperation programmes w/o coordination - benefitted China in bringing Nepal into its side
recent challenges in relationship
25 Bangladehsis killed in first 6 months in 2020 along border by Indian forces
the unresolved Teesta - water dispute
1/3rd length in B and remaining in Sikkim and WB,
B wants 50% of its water supply esp in months b/w DEc and May annually
CAA and activities associated with NRC - unnccesesary by b PM
China - revamping up infrast investments and expanding economic coop in B to sway B from I
way forward
I to take broader view of changing scenario and growing competition in South Asia and to reach out B with an open mind
after I independence
Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1950
Defence cooperation
has many bilateral insitutional dialogue mechanisms
bedrock of special relations that exists b.w two
Nepalese citizens avail facilities and opportunities on par with Indian citizens
Gorkha regiment of Indian Army partly recruited from Nepal
Military exercise
sep 2015 new C adopted
India not happy - because not adequate safeguards for Madhesis
2019 cartographic aggression by Nepal
by publishing map portraying disputed areas of Lipulekh, Limpiyadhura and Kalapni as its territory
India gave $450 million line of credit
India gave priority to its relations with SL under its Neighbourhood First Policy
India concerned about Tamils in Sri Lanka
Rel is imp in order to tackle the geopolitical interest of China in IOR
4000 km long
covers western sector (Ladakh), middle sector (HP,Uk) and eastern sector (Sikkim and McMohan line of ARp)
Disputes wrt Western and Middle boundary
1964- PAk - ceded a part of Indian territory in PoK to China
China administers Aksai Chin - part of Ladakh
China occupies more than 38000 sq km in Ladakah
Eastern Boundary
Shimla Accord
b/w B India Tibet and China - proposed boundary b/w Tibet and North India - by Henry Mc Mohan
China officially dont agree with it
India - became first non socialist bloc country to establish diplomatic rel with PRC
1962 I-C conflisct setback
Rajiv Gandhi visit i 2988 - began improvement
Agreement on Maintenance of PEace and Tranquility along LAC
2013-Border Defence Coop Agreement
LAC = eastern, middle and western
positive developments
expansion of Motihari - Amlekhganj petroleum product pipeline
Recently inaauguarted ICP at Birgunj and Biratnagar in Nepal
expected to ease trade and transit
supported India's permanent membership at expand UNSC
One China policy
1949 Chinese civil war
Communists won started ruling mainland China as People's Republic of China
lead to wiping off almost all marine resources
marine sources on Indian side nearly depleted
steps taken
SL govt officially banned bottom trawling
offered Joint patrol with Indian navy
Both govt set up Joint Working group
way forward
By India
scheme on deep sea fishing
Introduced fish farming in Gulf of Manar to increase income of small scale fishermen
reduce dependence on Paly BAy
sustainable fishing practices
alternative employment
2020 military coup
India response
not directly criticizing the army
because India is having very good relation with Myanmar military and they helped India in reducing insurgency in NE states
Significance M has coastal access to BOB and extension to Indian Ocean
M- an important land bridge b/w South and SE Asia
serves as buffer b/w I and C
Western and northern borders of Myanmar connects Bangladesh, China and NE states of I
A rising China which is strengthening its relationship in the Myanmar is a threat to India
Influence in Myanmar will allow China to penetrate India's NE region and control the Bob
Kaladan Multimodal project
jo chup jate the Myanmar mein problem karke India mein (drug trafficnking hoti thi also China was part of it
pehle to Myanmar ki military ne mana kiy aIndian soldiers ko ki tum yaha nai aa sakte insurgents se fight karne par baad m woh maan gaye so Myanmar in strategically imp isliye waha us region hum peace bana paye
2021 - India abstained from voting in UNHRC resolution wrt prmoting human rights in SL
SL pulled out of a 2009 agreement with India and Japan - for developing East Container Terminal at Colombo Port
BIT treaty protection now only to investments made before 2017
(estb terms and cond for pvt investment by nationals and companies of one country in another 1997
India terminated it
way forward
I needs to adopt a balanced approach towards BITs
Facilitates Indian investors in defending their investment under international law eg Colombo Port
China's draft FYP - approved first dam to be built on lower reaches of Yarlung Zangbo river
reason - potential of Great bend - waha mast potential h hydropower ka
concerns for India
impaacts on downstream flow
- 1979 - Soviet Army invaded Afghanistan in name of protecting communist govt
- but it was resisted by several local insurgents groups -Mujahidin - backed by US, /Saudi and PAk
- 1980 - Soviet troops withdrew - Mujhaidin victory
- Taliban - which originated as hard core religious students movements later become hardocroe religious terrorist organisation
- 11 Sep 2001 - A Qaeda terrosrist attack US 9/11 attack
- Subsequent military campaign led by US against Al Qaeda and the Taliban govt (T was supporting Al qaeda )
- since then US troops are stationed in Af and war still going on
US suffered great losses in Af due to continuous war
- US realized that taliban insurgency could not be defeated as long as it enjoys safe and secure sanctuaries in PAk
- US changed its track and begin to seek help of PAk in getting Taliban to negotitaing tabke
- US Taliban negotiations began in September 2018 and the 2 sides came to an agreement after a series of talk
Feb 2020 - Agreement - at Doha - as frist step toawrds intra Afghan peace deal - US Taliban Peace deal
- Mech and anoucnement of timeline for withdrawal of all foreign forces from AFghanistan
- Removal of UN and US sanctions on Taliban leaders
- both sides promised to support intra- Afghan peace negotiations
but should have moral and legal responsibility of India to stand up for rule of law, Democracy and human rights is Myanmar
rfeuges who have fled years of atrocities and a genocidal campaign
are stateless aIndo Aryan group who predominantly follow ISlam in Rakhin state
India hasnot signed UN Refuge convention i.e why call them as inflitrators
what I should do
I should allow IIMM to accessthese refugees
Independent Investigate MEch for Myanmar
Un esbtd body - mandated to investigate and build case files for international crimes committed in Myanmar
India should follow Customary international law
let UN high commissioner for refugees in India to access Rohingyas
few countries - Canada, MAldives, Gambia, Netherlands - took this case against M in ICJ
vioalted the genocidal convention
also being investigated by Prosecutor of ICC
India should support these
diplomatic move to satisfy both sides as it effectively amounts to support for neither SL govt nor Tamil NAtional Alliance
India's role
prisoner swap
Taliban to reduce violene and preventing groups Al Qaeda and ISIS Khorasan from operaitng on Afghan terriotory
I and A - strong relationship based on historical and cultural links
I - played significant role in reconstruction and rehab of Afghaistan
Strategic partnership agreement 2011-
assistance to help rebuild Afghanistan's infra and instutions edu and tech assistance
duty free access to Indian market for Afghanistan exports
i says- there should be Afghan led, Afghan owned broad based and inculsive process of peace and reconcialtion
need for long term commitment to Afghanistan by intenrational community
significance- because Afghanistan in future should not become a safe haven for international terrorist who fight against countries including I
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Why this move?
Neutral stand
China factor
Inidia's current stand seems like its turning blind eye to human rights violation in SL but on diplomatic front it can be said that this moves itself contanis diplomatitc astuteness that can benefit India in th elong run
SL coming under Chinese influence
SL borrowed heavily from China
to mitigate the influence and earn the trust of the neighbour , India had abstained from voting
did't want to support one go against another
Both SL govt and TNA sought India's support wrt UNHRC resolution
not diminishing Tamil minority;s concern
visible in culture, language , shared values of secularism and democracy
bilateral insti mech
maritime affairs
Land Boundary agreement - 2105
sharing of river waters
bilateral joint rivers commission is working since 1972 to maximize benefits from common river systems
Ganga water treaty 1996 - sharing of water of river Gangaduring lean season
economic relations
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cooperation in power sector - B imports power
grant assistance to b - eg
construction of Akhaura - Agartala rail link
Construction of I- B Friendhip pipeline
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teesta water sharing issue
India has built dams over it this prevents river from supplying irrigation water to b
recently b turned to China seeking i billion USD loan to restore Teesta
border shooting issue - by border security forces on civillans of b aisa unhe lagt ahai
trade issue
India ka to b largest trading partner hai in SE asia
par Bangladesh ka China hai aur china ne 97% of B imports expempted form duties
India is losing traditional allies - Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal - increasingly tiltted towards China chequue book diplomacy - paisa bolta h re baba
Bhutan bhi kat liya BBIN se
ky akare? - India should bring in the spirit of neigh first policy
wrt Deportatio of refugees
- continuous threat of illegal immigrants to India as /india has porous or open land borders with many countries
- no because currently 2021 - situation in M not in good shape.
- thought I not a singatory on convention of Refugee but still UDHR, ICCPR, /int covenant on rights of child - so /i should follow principle of non refoulment - state should not deport individuals from their jurisdi to another country or place if particular sending state believes that these persons face risk , harm, persecution, torture at country to which they are to be deported
- Gambia v/s Myanmar case - ICJ - judgement showed than even international court has taken note of genocide of rohibgiyas in myanmar- and that theier lives are in serious danger if they are deported
- seucutiry issues
cenytral govt has powers under foreeigners act of regulating their movts- departure, restrictimg entries
- though rights under A -14 and, and 21 available to non c/z. but 19 1 e(righ to settle and rside in this country ) - only to c/z
there is proper procedute that i follows of proper deporation i.e deportation is carried out only when its is confirmed by the country of origin i.e they are persons who are their c/z
Indo-Pacific Region
region spanning from east coast of Africa to Pacific Island States
produces almost 60 % of global GDP
contributes 2/3 rd of global growth
60% of maritime trade passes via its oceans
home to some largest economies outside EU - India, CHina, Japan
is at forefront of digital economy and tech dev
central to global value chains , international trade and investment flows
EU and IP
its is extensively engaged in the region and is one of the major partners
among the top investors, top dev assistance providers and big trading partners
and IP is vital for EU's economic growth
2008 - Agreement on Consular acesss
Ramesh Taba Sosa - arrested by Pak for allegedly entering PAkistani waters- died recently their only
Consular access (embassy access) to be provided within 3 months to nationals of one country under arrest, detention or imprisonment in other country
both govt agree to release and repatriate persons within 1 month of confirmation of their national status and completion of sentences
w/0 consular access nationality of the person cannot be confirmed, w/o which the repatriation process cannot begin
does not state a time limit for confirmation of the national identity
other cases -
Vaaga Chauhan case - terms of agreement on consular access not respected
Latif Chauhan Sama's case - not given consular access yet
Revival of Joint Judicial Committee on Prisoners in 2007
consists of 4 retd judges from each side - I and P
had played a significant role in timely release and repatriation of prisoners
yeh bhi nahi pata ba to mortal remains kab milenge uski family ko - this is grave violations of human rights
effects on indi -
mental trauma
2 baar milti thi saal mein to meet prisoners
but currentlt discontinued
efforts were made to revive it but Pak is yet to nominate judge or call for a meeting
can help innocent Indian prisoners who are stucked in PAk prison to get consular accesss and other rights and finally come back to their home country India
2006 - Education Exchange Programme EEP
Covid has given us a lot of challenges as well as opportunities. Analyse this statement in context of i-c bilateral relationship
Vaccine diplomacy
Vaccine MAitri
by India - a humanitarian initiative to provide vaccines to other countries
via it India was presenting itself as better alternative to China particularly in region of South Asia
to increase its soft power and control on other countries
backtrack vaccine diplomacy
BUT after impact of second wave - massive suffering + public criticism -- backtrack vaccine diplomay and stopped honouring the existing contractual commitments to supply vaccine to its friendly neighbours
so Bangladesh and SL - started procuring from China
Also China ne ek meeting ki with all South Asian countries except India
China mauke pe chaukka maar raha ha
also affected credibility of Quad grouping
as the QUAD countries - pledged to deliver a billion doses of COVID vaccines throughout IOR by 2022 - a move to counter China's influence in IOR
but this backtrack might lead to Chinese influence in IOR
during first wave I -was seen as emergent power in global scenario
but as we failed to anticipate and deal with second wave - diminshed India's aura as emergent power
Weak India - less attractive as a partner globally
makes us more dependent on US to deal with China
i- c relation
China's efforts - largely confined to pvt companies and charities and not directly helping India govt
Pandemic has provided opportunities for two Asian giants to work together but both countries - focused on boosting their own image
to ab dono ka trust build kaise hoga?
Hambantota port
aka Ruhunu Magampura International port
if China will control it - it will have a good position in eastern Indian Ocean
inhibit India'a navy's deployment options
way ahead
I - adapt itself to the presence of China at Indian Ocean and should respond and prepare accordingly
SL -China
intro -
since last decade China paying renewed attention to its ties with Sri LAnka
Huge rise in CHinese investments in SL
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How China is supporting SL
Diplomatic support n charges of human rights violations after civil war
2014 - Xi - visited SL - first visit by any Chinese PResident in 28 years -- shows focus of CHina in SL
What SL is doing in return?
helps China to enhance its influence in South Asian region
China-SL - friendship hospital opened
Rajapaksa regime is closer to China
supplied arms and defence equipments to SL Army during Elam war - thats how their relations grew after 2009
started their DEbt diplomacy in Colombo
definition -China extends huge loans and in return they expect some diplomatic favors from the recipeint country
dikkat kya hai ?
high interest rates - country receiving the debt sleepwalks into a trap - not able to repay so country invariably starts obeying the country that gave the debt.
construction of Hambantota Port
India's concern (due to increasing warmth b/w SL and C
strategic interests
in both Hambantota and Colombo port -
I is worry about C investment in ports in Indian Ocean as it might be part of China's String of Pearl strategy - ensuring its maritime domination in region
Indian companies use Colombo port (imp both economiclly and strategically ) for unloading of cargo