sutra 8 - story Kaushal king has elephant - very powerful and he had got win to king , he use to be there in war facing all the arrows but still in the war . elephant got old - and he got stuck in khicha as he was very powerful and people were laughing at elephant , we can get old and we can be stuck one day , we cannot get irritated with old and everything is week in old age , we open our file if we get irritated with old , there is a fear of getting old , physical low and they repeat old things , loop of old memories - stage of old age , inability they need love and nurture them , love them , respect aging people , as so sow u will reap . Elephant now he is stuck in small lake . he must have taken bath many times but he was not stuck . in old age he is stuck - cannot fight with desires fight with your desires in young age wherelse people use to take sanyasa in 75 plus , there energy is stuck and they are irritated and angry . 20-30 ( Sharp intellect ) understood apply in 48 hours .