Year 7-Chemistry & Physics

Physics-Chapter 9:The Earth and beyond (6 lessons)

Chemistry Chapter 5: Solid, Liquid and gas (9 lessons)

Chapter 6 Material properties (5 lessons)

Physics-Chapter 10: Forces (10 lessons)

Classwork on heating and cooling curves

Quiz on the first 3 lessons

End of chapter questions

Identify substances whether solid, gas or liquid based on their properties

Sketch particle theory for substances

Quiz on the first 3 lessons

Testing metals and non-metals questions

End of chapter questions

Testing waterproof and absorbent materials activity

Chapter 7: Acids and bases (8 lessons)

Acid and base Lab

Acid and base worksheet

Acid and base simulation assignement

Acid and base Quiz

Acid Rain Quiz

Neutralization worksheet

Dealing with friction worksheet

Gravity Vs Weight worksheet

Forces Quiz

Measuring density activity

upthrust, floating and sinking worksheet

End of chapter questions

Moon phases classwork

Earth and beyond HW

Inner and outer planets-comets and asteroid Quiz

The Earth and Sun worksheet

End of chapter worksheet

Physics- Energy Transformation (6 out 10 were taught)

Energy transformation HW

Types of energy worksheet

Efficiency of devices worksheet

Energy and sankey diagram quiz