Pokemon Card Game

Simple Design


Users Store Deck


2D Game Board

Functional Reqs:

User's playing deck is
randomized per session

Each card will have different functions

Pokemon attacks
Side Effect

"Unique" side-effects
that require complex logic

How to mitigate

There are many
common side effects

Game functions

Two users able to
play against eachother

Perhaps keep some functions "Manual"

  • Manual removal of energy points or
    something similar

server-side schtuff needed

Libraries to help expedite the game?


What's on the front-end?

Classes, Objects, Inheritance?

Mainly going to be on front-end.
Database will only be necessary for users
to make and store their deck.

Keep track of

How two can play against eachother

Incorporating unique abilities/side-effects

Users to be able to open booster packs

Trainer cards (?) -> will increase complexity

AI players?

MAY need databases + server logic for
how two players can play against eachother