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Oct 1st-International Organizations - Coggle Diagram
Oct 1st-International Organizations
Debt Service Suspension Initiative
announced by G20
intended to help
developing countries
with overwhelming debt
owed to bilateral lenders
WB Development committee
and G20 Finance Ministers
endorsed DSSI
call WB and IMF
grant debt-service
poorest countries
help them manage
severe impact
COVID-19 pandemic
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
international agreement
defines the rights
and responsibilities of nations
wrt their use of world´s oceans
entered into force in 1994
Territorial Sea (TS)
extends 12 nautical miles from land
sovereign territory of state
sovereignty extends
airspace over and seabed below
Contiguous Zone (CZ)
begins where TS ends
extends another 12 nautical miles
ending 24 nautical miles from land
CZ not sovereign territory of state
considered part of International waters
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
extends 200 nautical miles from land
both territorial sea and
contiguous zone
has special rights
to exploration and
exploitation of natural resources
Antifa movement
Antifa is an anti-fascist action
lef-wing political movement
in US
Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy
India was development partner
Five countries
represent half of the ASEAN organisation
ACMECS region connected
to India by land
through northeast region
and water through
riverine route and sea
MGC Plan
Mekong Ganga Cooperation
envisages project-based co-op
in seven areas
tourism and culture, education,
public health and traditional medicine,
agriculture and allied sectors,
transport and communication, MSMEs
water resources management,
science and technology,
skill development and capacity building.
International Labour Organisation
UN agency
mandate to advance social
and economic justice
through setting
International Labour Standards (ILS)
India is founder of ILO
founded under
league of nations, 1919
first and oldest specialised agency of UN
Only tripartite UN agency
brings together
governments, employers and
workers of 187 member states
set labour standards, develop policies
and devise prgrammes
promoting decent work
8 core conventions
Forced Labour Convention (No. 29)
Abolition of Forced Labour Convention (No.105)
Equal Remuneration Convention (No.100)
Discrimination (Employment Occupation) Convention (No.111)
Minimum Age Convention (No.138)
Worst forms of Child Labour Convention (No.182)
The above Six have been ratified by India
Freedom of Association and Protection of Right to Organised Convention (No.87)
Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention (No.98)
(above two have not been ratified by India)
setting up ILS
in the form of
Conventions and
legally binding oligations