It is a mood disorder that affect a persons daily life, may be described as feelings of sadness, loss or anger.
Is a depletion of the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine or dopamine in the central nervous system.
Serotonin is the most extensively studied neurotransmitter in depression.
The monoamine- deficiency theory posits that the underlying pathophysiological basis of depression .
Nursing care plan
Nursing care plan
Expected outcome
Nursing interventions
Nursing diagnosis
Deficient knowledge
Patient and significant other will verbalize at least two of the possible causes of depression, three-four of the signs and symptoms of depression and use of medications.
Explain to the patient and family members regarding the major symptoms of depression.
Inform the patient and family members that depression can be treated through medications and psychotherapy.
Assess the patient and family members or guardian knowledge regarding depression and its causes.
Desired outcome
Nursing interventions
Nursing diagnosis
Risk for self-directed violence
Patient will seek help when experiencing self-destructive impulses.
Admit previous suicide attempts
patient will have a behavioral manifestation of absent depression
Check for the availability of required supply of medications needed
Identify the level of suicide precautions needed.
Encourage the patient to express feelings and come up with alternative ways to handle feelings of anger and frustration.
wait loss
physical illness
alcohol and drug misuse
Clinical manifestatons
abuse(past, physical, emotional or sexual)
death or a loss
Certain medications
changes in sleep pattern
changes in energy level
loss f interest and lowered self esteem
inability to concentrate
Persistent feeling of sadness
Diagnostic tests
patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9)
Beck depression inventory (BDI)
Recommended diet
include omega 3 fatty acids
dark green leafy vegetables
Nuts especially walnuts
Non pharmacological treatment
anti depressants
cognitive behavioural therapy
talk therapy
Physical exam
Blood tests
fatty fish
Gilbert. (2007)
Wintergerst ES (2007)
Wintergerst ES (2007)
Wintergerst ES (2007)
Wintergerst ES (2007)
Wintergerst ES (2007)