Overview of Step 8, 8a, 8b, 8c

Step 8 - diagnosis of job satisfaction needs beginning with a socio-technical questionnaire with employees

Evaluate the responses from the questionnaires and go through knowledge, psychological, support and control contracts (step 8a and 8b).

Use one table/template for all employees and add a summary or separate tables to categorise employees (do the following depending on the situation)

E.g. Small number of staffs use single table and larger group of staffs use separate tables.

Evaluate results from questionnaires and interviews and develop rich pictures from more than one perspective.

E.g. Rich picture involving different stakeholders, one for the current system and other for future system (step 3).

Rich picture including overview of a personal situation and examples of the activities, including emotions.

Knowledge needs: employees skills and knowledge are being used well or used poorly; their opinions on how their skills and knowledge would be better used for the company.

Psychological needs: employees advancement, recognition, responsibility, status and achievement are being well or poorly met, work motivation.

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Support/Control: support services and control system which employees believe will assist their efficiency.

Summarise it from an overall perspective in the conclusion of job satisfaction by explaining a friend if they could understand it (8c).

8A Knowledge & psychological contract

Complete specific questionnaires and add related questions for the stakeholders. In addition interviews as well to gather information regarding their jobs and activities.

Knowledge contract

Psychological contract

Knowledge fit, use of knowledge and self development.

List satisfactory aspects that will include in new system and list unsatisfactory aspects that must be improved giving methods on how this can be achieved.

Status, responsibility, recognition, job security, social relationships, promotion, achievement, personal security/safety

8B Support/Control & task contract

This section is for the social needs analysis as what employees find motivating, interesting and challenging for their job and activities.

List satisfactory aspects that will include in new system and list unsatisfactory aspects that must be improved giving methods on how this can be achieved.


Support/control, salary, amount of work, standards, controls, supervision, information and materials, personal safety.

Task contract

Task structure fit, routine and challenge in work, initiative, judgment and decisions, pressure, quality and output targets.

8C Conclusion of job satisfaction needs

Summarising what aspects are employees happy with and what they consider need improvements and suggestions on how it can be improved.

The summary should be completed in the following: knowledge needs, psychological needs, efficiency(support/control) needs, task needs, ethical or moral needs related to personal values.

Any ethical or moral issues employees find unfair can be mentioned on this section (ethical or moral needs related to personal values).