My Culture, Ancestry and I
Level of Teaching
Social Science
Natural Science
English Home Language
The Arts
Work Division
- Activity 1 - Mr Le Roux, Ms Sevenster, Ms Niemand
- Activity 2 - Mr Le Roux, Ms Verster, Ms Sevenster, Ms Niemand, Ms Ndlovu
- Activity 3 - Ms Niemand , Ms Pullinger, Mr Chitambire
- Activity 4 - Ms Sevenster, Ms Niemand, Ms Verster, Mr Le Roux
Critical Literature
*POEM The birth of Shaka by Mbuyiseni . Learners will re-cap on the elements of poetry
Learners will recite the poem on Flipgrid. They will use various visual aids of their choice to present a captivating presentation.
The Rainmaker
Main Learning Objective
By the end of this Unit learners will be able to:
Define Natural Disasters,
Identify habits of mind that can be used to cope with natural disasters.
Examine and define living and non living things.
Identify how different generations was effected by natural disasters.
How we can cope in situations like natural disasters
Discover how hunter gathers and herders coped with natural disasters.
Identify and apply map skills
Sub Learning Objective
Plants and animals, are interdependent and are adapted to meet their needs from the resources available in their particular habitats.
By studying the various generations, we will have a cleared understanding of the past so that we may better understand the present and predict or correct the future.
Citizens and governments need to work together to be able to address issues effectively and fairly.
Everything is connected. “I am the environment; the environment is me”. The planet is made up of many interconnected systems. Everything in an ecosystem has a role to play. Changing anything in an ecosystem impacts on everything else. It is often difficult to predict what the consequences of any change might be.
Social Science
HIS 1.2, HIS 1.4, HIS 2.2, HIS 2.5, HIS 3.2, HIS 3.5,
GEO 1.6, GEO 2.4, GEO 2.7, GEO 3.1, GEO 3.7
Natural Science
Life and Living
NS 1.1 - NS 1.4
NS 2.1 - NS 2.3
NS 2.5 -NS 2.8
NS 2.11
NS 3.1 -NS 3.6
NS 3.8, NS 3.10, NS 3.12
English Home Language
LS 1, LS 3, LS 5, LS, 7, LS 9, RM 1, RM 2 , RM 3, RM 4, RM 5, RM 6, RM 12.1, FS 3, WW10.2
MP1 - 2, CN 1-2,
MT 1 - 4
MC 1 - 3
GP 1- 2, So2
DC1 - 3
SD 1, SD4, SD 6, SD 8, SD 12, SD 19, SD 24, EF 1, EF 2, EF 4, EF, 5, EF 6, ED 1, ED 5, HL 6
Mapwork and map symbols
Important physical features of a map
News items and a map index
Different kinds of maps
Scale and distance calculations
Hunter-gatherers and herders in Southern Africa
Society of Khoikhoi and the San people
Computing thinking.
Developing solutions.
Use of Microsoft software.
Use Game simulation to understand real life occurrences.
Data - Analyse and present data
Time - time differences and year calendar
Distance calculations and conversions between km and m
• Plants and animals on Earth
• Animal skeletons
• Skeletons as structures
• Food chains
• Life cycles
Direct teaching: Performing Arts
Storytelling, Mime, Movement and Soundscapes.
Find a picture of a San hunter stalking an animal before the lesson begins. In-class: Mimic the movements and sounds made by different animals. Focus on the rhythm of poem "First People" by Wayne Visser.**
**See page 48 onwards:
[San History](
Visual Literacy: The self and others in local environment
Visual literacy: Art elements and design principles
2D: Drawing and colour
3D: Create a 3D shape using earthenware clay
A) Listening and Speaking
- Oral & Poster
B) Reading Comprehension- Folktale (Story of a Dam)
- Poem
C) Transactional Writing - News Paper Article
D) Essay Writing
-Narrative essay
D) Language Practice
(Punctuation, Parts of Speech, Tenses, Synonyms & Antonyms)
Positive Self-Concept
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Coping with emotions
Relationships with peers, elders & strangers
Direct teaching: Visual Arts instead of in the Unit of Study:
Creating an animal from clay (the animal's structure) and how an object like that links to storytelling and culture (i.e. children learning about animals, or as a ritual before a hunt, etc.)
MarlisePullinger, MaritzaVerster , AnnetjieSevenster can this activity not be included in the unit? Can be carried out in the Art class though - because then that way before this activity in Sway can unpack the different types of animals, skeleton, features etc? It does not need to take additional unit time but at least there will be evidence of this NS content being taught as well.
"First People" Poem (tribute to San)
DRAMA: Much Ado About Nothing WIlliam Shakespeare
Introduction to Shakespeare.
Learners will watch a video on William Shakespeare, his life and writings.
Learners will take turns to read out and role play Act 1 Scene 1.
MOVIE: Avatar by James Cameron (2009) Watch the movie during an assigned session. Complete a movie review and answer the following question. Identify 2 positive habits of mind that were employed by 2 different characters in the movie. Justify your answer.
What is the cost of the loss of our ancestry and culture?
Topic 1: Society - Interaction of people and nature
Switch On Activity 1:
Research on how nature work.
How does food cycles and animal independence work together
In-Class Activity 1B:
informal NS
Animals and where they live.
Learners will be assigned to an Edpuzzel activity.
The activity will work through where different animals and where they live.
Learners will answer questions throughout the video.
In-Class Activity 1C:
Read the poem
The gift of the tree.
Analyse the poem and answer questions about the poem
In-Class Activity 1D:
1)Use poem from English Activity as an introduction to emotions.
2)Discuss what emotions experienced through loss and what coping methods can be implemented.
3)Discuss how other people can be your support system and what effect other people has on your self-esteem and emotions.
- Family members (love, anger, compassion)
Friends (belonging, happy...)
Strangers (Fear, insecurity, excitement)
Topic 2: Society - Interaction with People
Activity 2:
Research PowerPoint:
(What is my heritage?
Special days
Traditions / believes
Switch On Activity 2:
Globalisation and the effect on human culture.
In-class Activity 2B:
Reading piece.
Story is available in English, Afrikaans and IsiZulu for learners to read.
Message of story = Traditions and skills het passed on by generations, starting from our ancestors.
How does these trades + skills fit into today’s life?
Can then maybe move to a place where a lot of what we know about the Khoi San is in the history books as those with ancestral links have forgotten a lot/ not preserved enough information etc
One of the traditional ways that stories of ancestral groups and their heritage and culture was passed on was through folklore
The rainmaker
In-Class Activity 2D:
SS & Visual Art
Hunter gatherers and herders draw pictures to show certain events .
How did they interact with nature and with other people around them?
Compare modern food, clothes & houses with the herders of the past.
- Take a photo of yourself and compare it to a person in their traditional clothes.
- Photograph of your lunch and compare to a traditional meal. (Homemade vs bought)
How do you feel, seeing the difference between your past culture and modernised culture?
What can you do to bring out your ancestry & culture into modernised society?
Topic 3: Society - Self concept
Activity 3:
My Society
Switch On Activity 3:
Personality test, analyse results and compare it to switch on notes.
Test shows strengths (positive feedback) & weaknesses (negative feedback)
Is the test accurate ?
In-Class Activity 3A
My emotions of my relationships.
Create a diagram illustrating how you see yourself. (Include self-concept, self-esteem,
strengths, weaknesses, who influence your self-concepts and who you strive to be)
Create a FlipGrid Video or SlideShow
In-Class Activity 3B:
Giving and receiving feedback
Share your personality test & FlipGrid to a friend and family member
Ask for both positive and negative feedback.
How does the feedback affect you, how did you respond?
In-Class Activity 3C:
Create your own 3D family tree
Use the FlipGrid to mime & dance out your emotions about the feedback you received regarding who you are
Topic 4:
Reflect on Society
Activity 4:
Who will I be without my society?
Switch On Activity 4:
Read the article about the teacher of Hawaiian and his feelings about his culture. Learners must write a paragraph and explain how do they feel about this article. Do they feel the same about their own culture?
In-Class Activity 4A:
Narrative essay – Ancestry, traditions and culture
In-Class Activity 4B:
Make a Sway answering the driving Question.
Use all findings from this UOS to illustrate the importance of ancestry…
Direct teaching: Visual arts
Visual Literacy - Observe and discuss photographs of rock art. Look at colour and shape and the resources they used to create rock art.
Discuss the art elements that will be use in their formal assessment.
Introduce the visual diary concept and learners start their creative thinking process and planning.
Resources: Youtube video
Activity 2C: Visual arts (Formal)
Using the knowledge you learned about hunter gatherers and herders and the way they communicated through rock or cave art, you are now going to tell your own story by creating your own rock art artwork.
In-Class Activity 1A
Learners will look at the 2 different World maps. Certain questions will be asked to guide them to the realisation that society is made of different things and are working together. Learners will create a table to compare two maps and also answer a few questions on these maps
HannesLeRoux , MaritzaVerster , AnnetjieSevenster look at my video link shared and commentary on map work video and ideas which can be used in conjunction with what is happening here? - maybe this can just be moved up?
In Class Activity 2E: ENG ASS TASK 3 Write a folklore story must include traditions,
Performing Arts :
Warm up and Play
Improvise and Create
Read, Interpret and Perform
Umenzi wemvula
Activity 2F: Performing Arts Formal
Learners convert their folklore stories (from English) into a solo performance. The performance will make use of narration, mime, movement and sound. They submit their rehearsed and polished presentations on Flipgrid.
What makes you the person you are today? What is the things that will help you develop into a successful person in the future?
When we look at our grandparents and older people around us it is quite notable that they grew up quite differently from how you grew up. Regardless of the different times we grew up in we still form part of one community. Within a community we do not only interact with the other people within the community, we interact with nature as well.
But do we value our ansestry and culture in modern times?
During this unit of study we will explore explore how culture and ancestry help form the person you will become. The driving question for this unit is: What is the cost of cultural and ancestral loss?
By investigating this we can learn more about the role our environment, ancestry and culture. This will give us valuable insights on whether or not there is a need to preserve our environment, ancestry and culture.
Activity 1:
Harmony of nature
Learners will have a debate
For Culture / No Culture
Activity 2 :
This should solely be unpacking the Khoi-San as a part group of South African natives
Would first unpack the San by itself in the topic
• Who were the San
• Where did they live
• How did they live
• What were some of their customs and traditions – tangible and intangible heritage that was passed down
• Do they still exist – are their traces of their existence
• Dying group, lost their ancestory and culture – how do modern ‘Khoi-San people feel about this? Are they happy/sad/feel lost?
Then learners should do research or watch videos on ‘modern’ Khoi san’ and feelings towards lost culture and its impact.
Activity 1
In Class Activity 3D
Visual Arts - It's my culture (but modernized)
(3 Days)
Create in 2D - Throughout time, a lot of things change. It is very rare that cultures, religions and societies live by the same rules, principles, beliefs and rituals . We adapt and grow through other people and the things they do and say. (Reference Avatar)
By making use of the art elements and design principles, create an artwork in oil pastels that represents your culture in the modern world. Use patterns and letters in your artwork. Self consent through culture - Self portrait
Create in 3D : Traditional & Modernised house
Use clay and build one example of a traditional house and one example of a modern home.
Examples of "It's my culture, but modernized"
Example of traditional housing and modern housing
In-Class Activity 2A:
Mathematics (Data Handling)
Collect Data of different cultures in class from PowerPoint
Process Data & Present
Questions to ask (How many wear their traditional clothes, do you still celebrate the special days, Does this mean that we are losing our culture?
In-Class Activity 2C:
Formal assessment
Animals + People’s skeletons can tell a lot of how they lived.
Dinosaur’s skeletons were lost but discovered by anthropologist.
Through discoveries like this we can learn more about history and in this case dinosaurs (their society and culture).
Realisation - Things can be lost or distinct but it is not forgotten as long as we are willing to look.
What will your skeleton tell the next generation how you lived ?
Project: Create a skeleton using straws and bendable wire
Refer back direct teaching lesson to Critical literature (A story of a Dam)
Resources required for project
Straws/ Paper straws/ Rolled up straws
Project board
video shows someone drawing the physical map features of Africa – basically your Geo content for the term can be useful to include in an activity somewhere in the beginning? Could start with the World – fact that it consists of biomes – Then could move into Africa – then slot in your activities that you have in this context – do not know your thoughts on this?
this video does all of the above things I mentioned for you mostly– may just need for geo teacher to stop and clarify metric measurement for comparison
Switch On Activity 3
• Factors that and impact self-concept
• How does society and the people we interact with affect our self-concept?
• Family tree – indicate cultural information/ ancestory – where did famlily members come from – how far back can they go with their tree? Also after can calendar/event activity as in mind map
• Avatar? Unpack characters and how society and ancestry affected self-concept/ way they viewed themselves? Did anything change? Was anything lost because of the change?
• Self- concept reflection activity – look at experiences by those who have lost ancestory or culture – reflect on own culture, ancestory from tree, also cultural and traditional practices and how they contribute and finalise reflection on the true cost as in driving question.
English teacher unpack folklore being a sign of the time, telling us about society and its norms during a certain time. This is true not only for the San but also other groups in South Africa but also across the world – Can then bring in the Rainmaker story – then your art activity in purple also fits in