grammar is divided into 8 parts: nouns, adjectives, determiners, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions
nounsThey are words that we use to refer to a country, people, places etc, for example: people, doctor, woman, child, dog
determiners:They are words to identify nouns, these tell us about the noun that follows
adjectives:They are the ones that are always placed after the verb or in front of the noun, these are very variable
pronouns:they are used to refer to something or someone when we talk to a person
verbs:verbs are actions that people perform
adverbs:they are placed after verbs and before adjectives
prepositions:there are several parts of the sentence that join words
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conjuntions:serve as a link in a subordinate sentence and its main
How to have a better pronunciation in English
we have to learn to listen
If we do not know how to listen, we will hardly have the best pronunciation, so it is something fundamental
record us speaking english
If we care to learn English we have to do our best to improve a good option is to record you so we know what things we need to improve
how to have a better writing?
speak english with your friends
When we talk to our friends, we are not learning, but also our friends
And above all, practice next, when we get home from class, let's review what we saw if we are really interested.
first of all to have a better writing we need to improve vocabulary to understand and write better
improve your spelling
one of the main steps to improve your writing is to improve your spelling
improve your reading
if we improve reading we would have better writing because that is how we look at how things are written
improve your grammar
to improve all this we always need to practice, that is the key to everything
use the correct conjugation of the verb
If we do not use the conjugation correctly, then the sentence would probably not make sense
use the correct past form of verbs
If you do not use the correct form, many people do not understand what you are saying.
If you do not use the correct form, many people do not understand what you are saying.
connect ideas with conjunctions
If you use this rule you will improve a lot in your English
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