Leading curriculum change: A discussion of challenges of changing the aquatics curriculum in a Chinese bilingual school


Current Situation

Proposed changes

Reasons & Values behind the changes

Hybrid Curriculum of Uk and Chinese

The Challenges
of Change

Change Models and their
relevance to the context

Resistance to the change

Teacher Self Efficacy

Cultural Differences

The appropriateness
of the changes

The challenges of
leading change

What is a leader?

Leadership types and the
appropriateness to the context

Cultural Challenges of leadership
in a bilingual school

Values and beliefs

Different approaches to teaching and the need/appropriateness of instructional leadership

Language barriers

Middle manger

Closer to the instruction

for practice

What can I try?

What do I need to be condiserate of

What should I prioritise?

What changes should be disregarded?

What changes should be made to the changes?

accountable to
senior management