Communication and Project Management

Communicating the Design

Manufacturing Instructions

Quality Management

User Manuals


Written Report

Each plant has a certain set of manufacturing equipment, jigs and fixtures,and process to make each component.

Good Drawing Should Have All The Information needed manufactured component.

Manufacturing Instructions(SOP) should be developed to assist/guide the production side (operators) to manufacture/assemble the product.

why= ensures that an organization,product or service is consistent

Quality Management activities: 1.Quality Control 2.Quality Assurance

What= the act of overseeing all activity and tasks needed to maintain a desired level of excellence.

Quality Assurance (QA)

Quality Control (QC)


  • Documentation must be developed if the product is regulated by government standard
  • e.g: automotive, must follow Akta Pengangkutan Jalan etc.


  • Incoming Raw Materials,manufactured components & assemblies
  • should be inspected! --> inspection sheets

All essential information for the user to make full use of the product

May Consist Of :

Is a technical communication document intended to give assistance to people using a particular product

Installation Instruction = instruction for unpacking the item sand making the necessary connections for power,support,and environmental control.

Operating Instruction = instruction how to operate the device over the normal range of activity.

Assembly Instruction= step by step instruction on how assembly product

Maintenance Instruction = Maintenance can range from something as simplistic as cleaning the surface of the product to total disassembly and inspection

Engineering Writing

Technical Report

The types of engineering writing used for the communication of technical concepts, ideas and information include:

1)Technical memorandums / report

2)Letter reports/experimental report

3)Format reports


4)Papers and articles for journals

6)Business plan

  • used to describe a segment of a large project;
  • e.g. observations from site visits, assessments of new equipment

used to convey the results or finding for a project or limited scope

used for presenting the results of extensive engineering studies, such as master plan

used to present the results of research, process and equipment testing, and operational experiences.

used to respond to request for qualifications and/or request for proposals.

a plan or proposal to start a new business or to expand an existing one.

They present facts and conclusions about designs, experiments, and other projects.

Readers of technical reports include superior person assessing progress on specific projects or corporate officers evaluating professional recommendations and proposals to invest in new technologies

Is the primary written work products of engineers.

Poster Presentation

Oral Presentation

The most important advice for successful oral presentations is to not read your presentation material verbatim–it’s a sure way to lose your audience.

Types of oral communication;

The ability to communicate effectively plays an important role in career advancement and professional recognition


Informal: to exchange ideas, information, and feelings

Technical presentations: to share information, to inform

Technical proposal: to gain support for ideas or projects

The principal elements of presentation materials are:

Lists of items


Ideas, concepts, and themes

Tables–general information and data

Graphs–one and two dimensional

Figures–line drawings, pictorial graphics


Equations With the advent of modern presentation packages, such as :

PowerPoint - the formatting of presentations has become much simpler.

Length Of Presentation

As a general rule, allow one minute per slide.

For a 30-minute presentation that includes

the number of slides should be about 20

22 as a maximum for the 20-minute presentation period

ten minute question and answer period

Mechanics Of Presentation

placement of the principal elements in an easy-to-follow logical manner.

e.g. when using power point slide

Is a summarize information or research concisely and attractively to help publicize it and generate discussion.

Usually, a mixture of a brief text mixed with tables, graphs, pictures, and other presentation formats

Advantages Of Poster Presentation Over Oral Presentation

An appealing poster can interest people who walk by who might not be in your specific field of research

A poster presentation allows you to interact one-on-one with people interested in your research

A poster session has potential to reach larger numbers of people than a typical oral presentation

There is more time to present your research at a poster session; versus the 12-20 minutes allotted in most oral sessions