cantankerous (вредный)
disruptive (нарушающий) child/behaviour
ill behaved person
vain person (too interested in his own appearance); assertive/arrogant (smn who shows off)
complacent (thinks he knows everything
cynic doesn't believe in good things
He's ever so cynical
throw/have a tantrum
meticulous (very careful, and giving great attention to detail)
(able to understand what people are feeling and deal with them in a way that does not upset them)
to nag
Wives are always nagging their husbands
You're forever nagging
showing good judgment
conspicuous (very easy to notice) = noticeable
contented=satisfied, or making you feel satisfied
brave = bold
to have a hidden agenda = secret plan
approachable = ready to help/willing to listen
laid-back (very relaxed, not worrying); feel at ease
- intense
It's his sheer/pure arrogance that I hate ( he thinks he knows it all)
obnoxious =very rude
belligerent/ rebellious= very aggressive, ready to fight
to harbour a grudge against ..(if you're offended)
He grudges no effort to achieve a success
a bit of a pain
shy and retiring (застенчивый)
deadline junky
stubborn/wilful своевольный
to undermine smb reputation/confidence/authority/health
She's constantly going behind my back
He doesn't lose temper. He takes everything in his stride (in the calm way)
to grovel at smb (лебезить, пресмыкаться)
To suck up to the boss
She sticks to her principles.
lighten up = take it easy
Put your socks up = relax
You've just taken the words out of my mouth/from the tip of the tongue/It slipped my mind
Stand up on smn's point
accumulate/clear a backlog (pile of undone work)
to have/reveal/show a stubborn/strong/mean/hidden/selfish streak
to mess up
confide(trust) in the news
Can you fill me in on your news?
spill the beans (to tell people secret information)
So who spilled the beans about her affair with David?
He seems/strikes me as /comes across as
I get the impression/feeling
every now and then
hit and miss
peace and quiet
here and there
first and foremost
law and order
rules and regulations
long and hard (difficult) to weigh up
on and off/ sporadically from time to time
to sound bookish
I'm a lay person in this area (no idea )
go through a bit of a rough/rocky/sticky/difficult patch
to be in each other's throats
start to drift apart
in the early days of their relationship
move in different circles
their lives are taking them in different directions
cheat on smb/see smn else behind their back
This is the last straw. Enough is enough. Call it a day.
move out
give it another go/get back together again
like newfound freedom and go it alone.
shrug off (отряхнуться) criticism/negative comments
She's so full of herself (зациклена на себе)
I can relate (I understand). It's the same for me. Our opinions coincide very well.
well-rounded /sharp man ( intelligent)
tight-fisted скупой
a whinger (нытик)
thick =stupid
put words in my mouth
I've tried persuading her, but she won't budge.
Matchmaker - an outdated relic from the past
lucrative business
sort out a visa
sound out voters/your views/the members of the board/staff about the changes.
contempt - пренебрежение
hostility - вражда, неприязнь
Business travel is exciting at first, but you soon become jaded.
to numb the emotions
I want the ground to open up and swallow me.
on 1st name terms - на ты
to brag= to show off = to boast
a handful of friends ( not many)
Kira is a bit of a handful today.
handful (annoying/disobeying)
feed on/thrive on negative feelings
She keeps her husbamd on the straight and narrow (наставить на путь истинный)
to refuse point blank (наотрез)
suffer a major setback/hurdle/stumbling block
to be prone to outbursts. She's prone to exaggerate, that's for sure.