SEMP / SINT College Lockdown Feedback

Lessons that worked best during lockdown

Lessons that didn't work so well during lockdown

Personal Opinions

Favourite things about the college's approach to lockdown

Suggestions for improvements

Sometimes the instructions were very confusing

Sometimes it would be easier if the work was all in one place

Try to use one main platform (Google Drive) (Google Classroom) (Hangout) (Meet) Etc.

Some learners had to wait to get a laptop which made them behind on the classwork

Use fewer apps next time (just the main ones)

Everyone could use the apps okay

We liked Jamboard

We used Google Classroom

We used Hangouts

We used a lot of Google Docs

We got to use Zoom


Doing the shopping elements of the course

Cooking lessons were hard

No trips / going places in groups

Socialising (break times)

No gardening lessons

Woodwork lessons didn't happen


Social Distancing

Maths was just as good as in lesson

English was just as good in lesson

SEMP coursework (LASER) was just as good

Tutorials were good online too

RARPA Theory was good online

Homework / Directed Study

RARPA Practical

Mike V.

Chris M.

Sam E.

Callum L.

Will G.

Travis B.

Hannah G.

Christian R.

Reece R.

I found the lockdown stressful. There were lots of restrictions and I had to stay at home all of the time. I felt like I was going mad. I thought other people were going mad too. The college handled the lessons online alright but I still would have preferred to have been in college.

I didn't have a computer until really late on in the lockdown. When I did get a computer, I didn't get much direction and things were quite hard to find. I prefer being back at college because I find it all much easier.

My experience of the lockdown was that it was alright. overall I preferred being at the college. my favourite lesson during lockdown was English.

At first I wasn't sure about the lockdown but it wasn't long before I felt confident about it. I began to find it easy. I liked that we could use Google Drive because you could create so many Google Docs and they would all automatically save.

I didn't really like the lockdown because it meant that I had to do work in college and online. Google hangouts was my favourite app during lockdown. It was good that I could still see all my friends on webcams especially as we couldn't meet with them outside.

I thought the lockdown for me was a new beginning. I got to use a laptop to do my online work. I could do all of my work at home and handed in my homework.

At first I thought the lockdown was okay because I could complete most of my work on my tablet. However, some of the work couldn't be done because my tablet wouldn't download all of the apps. I had to wait quite a while for the college to give me a laptop which made the whole experience more stressful.

I found the lockdown very stressful. This was mainly because I found getting on the work online quite difficult. I didn't get to see my college friends as much.

I found the lockdown experience both okay and scary. During lockdown, I found the work okay but sometimes stressful. there weren't any lessons that I particularly enjoyed more than others. I did manage to understand the apps though and hand in all of my work on time.