Modes of Persuasive in Ads


What does it mean by pathos

Connect to viewers by evoking an emotional response.



What does it mean by logos?

Create confidence with statistic and facts

Examples: Apple

Why is it logos?

Because it's show you a statistics.


What does it means by ethos?

Why is it logos?

The commercial shows how cold is coca - cola and how good it is by using polar bears rather than people


example 1: O, that's good

example 2: Link Title


Build credibility with endorsements and testimonials

Example 1: Mr.Clean

Example 2: Link Title

Why it is pathos?

Why it is pathos?

It's give emotion that make her happy because
she see that the product is good for wiping.

The owner of the dog shows the emotion when the dog is there for her.

Why is it ethos?

why is it ethos?

It shows the credibility by presenting the food and the ingredient that is mostly use

It shows the credibility, by showing their reaction and spirit about "never giving up"