SETTLER COLONIALISM (and the building of a Canadian nation)
Government policies
Indian Act
Assimilation projects
Forced European cultural norms onto Indigenous people
Indigenous cultures were disparaged considered 'savage' and 'uncivilized'
Social & cultural practices
Created legal "Indian" status; government controlled all aspects of Indigenous people's lives
Banned potlatch and other Indigenous ceremonies
Treating diverse Indigenous cultures like a monolith
settler myths & misunderstandings about history
Prejudice & discrimination
Loss of Indigenous languages, knowledge
"We bought the land." (misunderstanding of how treaties function)
Christian missionaries believed the mission to 'civilize' was benevolent
Residential Schools
Sixties Scoop
Children had English names & language forced on them
Indian Agents
"We won the war."
Were they signed in good faith?
Even if they were, the treaties were frequently broken
Indigenous leaders sometimes signed out of desperation, to save their people from starvation, etc.
Many areas are not covered by treaties (i.e., unceded land), but still claimed
Forced enfranchisement; loss of Indian status (especially for women)
Need to secure land, western expansion
Forced relocations
Removal of children
Forced sterilizations
Infrastructure projects for settler cities
Shame, alienation
Intergenerational trauma
Lack of economic opportunity & security
Systemic racism
Racist media depictions