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The Superhuman Playbook -SHA Coaches - Coggle Diagram
The Superhuman Playbook
-SHA Coaches
Jeff Mesina - Putting Off Procrastination
Latin: Pro = forward, crastinus = of tomorrow
Envision the Desired Future Self vs. the Feared Future Self
Procrastination is often driven by emotional factors which must be addressed (which is why more "time management" may not be the best answer)
The BJ Fogg Behavior Model - increase ability to make yourself more likely to do the behavior (and remember to celebrate!)
Motivation = (Expectancy
Value) / (Impulsivity
Break it down into discrete, bite-size pieces
Each time you successfully overcome procrastination, you become less fragile (more anti-fragile)
Antione Hiolle - Expanding Your Brain Bandwidth: Eliminating Complaints and Excuses, and Leveraging Judgement
The Bracelet Technique - every time you complain/make excuses/judge, move a bracelet to the other arm. Make it a slight pain in the butt, not just an elastic bracelet
These behaviors and actions waste our energy and mental bandwidth
Complaints are criticisms or negative words with no propose solution
Excuses - no excuse, fix it. Find an alternative solution. make it happen.
Judgements - no need for judgements until it is time to take action.
Asking for Miracles - Collin Jewett
The Possibility Mindset vs. the Obstacle mindset - endless possible answers or solutions, or rigid and closed thoughts
The 100 Questions Exercise - those who struggled showed signs of Obstacle Mindset - concerned if their questions were "right" or "good enough". There is no "good enough", just questions...but rigid and dogmatic thinking locked them into the idea.
Building Unstoppable Success Momentum - Peter Anglin
Discern starting position - where are you now and what got you there
Where am I now?
What KPIs are relevant?
What have I done in the past to get where I am now? (not an opportunity to beat ourselves up - be objective)
Set SMART Goals
Have I described exactly what achievement of the goal will look like?
Did I make it clear in terms of who or what will be involved?
Is there any reference to where I will be once it's attained?
Do I need more clarification outlining what will have changed?
By me, not based on external/uncontrollable factors
How does this line up with the bigger picture that I want for my life?
Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines! Parkinson's Law
Visualize success. See yourself as already having completed the goal. Model someone who has already achieved it.
Constant and focused action in the direction of your goals
Break it down - yearly -> monthly -> weekly (4.33/mo) -> daily -> hourly (?) - how much time do I need to allocate?
Get it on your calendar in specific terms, not vague blocks. What will be done when, specifically.
See The ONE Thing goal breakdown
Be accountable and take full ownership (Extreme Ownership, even) of the results and outcomes
11 Barriers to Success
Didn't write down goals and put them where they can be regularly seen
Waiting to be "fully ready" before starting (Collin Powell's 70/40 rule) -> just get started, get feedback, and adjust
You didn't believe you could really do it -> re-analyze, re-work, re-scale
You set unrealistic goals -> knock down the scope, break the goal into smaller milestones
You tried to achieve someone else's goals -> "What do
really want and why?
You lost enthusiasm or belief due to failures or setbacks -> understand that this is how feedback works, and use it to adjust
Inconsistent efforts -> Create an action plan, break everything down into actionable steps. Work backward from the completion of the goal, create action items and deadlines
You gave up before seeing results -> get a solid understanding of the necessary time frame, and don't check too often
You had a hidden fear of failure -> drill into the fear, use Fear Setting exercise,
You had a hidden fear of success -> what are you more afraid of, success or the continuation of the current version? Are you more afraid of change, or of wussing out?
Your goals were too loosely defined ->re-work SMART goals, be specific, get clarity
Goals should
stretch you
inspire you
Make you or your org grow/evolve
The Power of your Thoughts - Anastasia Kor
Perception -> Reflection -> Reaction -> Response -> Result
Our internal dialogue affects our outside world. "The Thinker thinks and the Prover proves."
Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
Mindfulness of inner thoughts
Achieve the "Impossible" Through Visualization - Lorena Compean
Visualize your goal
be specific
use all of your senses
in the present tense - as though you have already completed it
Create a vision board with images of your goal
Use affirmations (Hal Elrod has templates)
Public commitments can also help us toward our goal
The Sense Audit - Norman Chella
Take a few minutes to audit what you are feeling throughout the day using thoughts and your five senses.
What are you feeling/thinking?
It it useful?
Habit Building for the Non-Habit Types - Meg Zirger
The Big Five personality traits
Gretchen Rubin 4 Types
Obliger (41% of population) - wants to please others
Questioner - wants proof
Upholder - fulfillment and duty to self and others
Rebel - authentic self and love of others
Take stock of your current habits
Set a goal (6 months suggested) and visualize it
Determine behaviors that will lead you towards that goal and then 80/20 them (Golden Behaviors - BJ Fogg). Make them tiny.
Determine your prompt for chosen behaviors
Much of this from
BJ Fogg's "Tiny Habits"
James Clear's "Atomic Habits"
Performing in an Agile Way - Kevin Boorman
Iteration and Evaluation - quick actions so you can get feedback and improve
Create a vision for where you want to be, then break it down into actionable steps using SMART goals and action-oriented objectives.
Define your goal
Is your current situation really what you want?
Set a goal to realize your vision
Break it down
Create behaviors, then iterate and evaluate
Productivity is Social - Dayhu Patel
Feeling Ahead vs. Feeling Behind - utilize deadlines to compress time and get work done in a timely manner. Feeling behind sucks, feeling ahead makes time abundant.
Time abundance vs. Time scarcity - the Thinker thinks and the Prover proves - what you believe about Time will be true
Power-Up Calls
"The Brothers" - Tiger Woods, Charles Barkely, Michael Jordan, Ahmad Rashad - a Mastermind group
Forming Power-Up Network
5-7 people
vague time frames - don't schedule calls precisely, but vaguely
5-10 minutes
Help with one goal/task/project
Guidelines for Power Up Calls
Call AFTER completing something difficult off of your own list - the energy/dopamine transfers to the other poerson
Clear emotional blocks through breathing
Work backward from the task/goal's completion, establish precise plan. If steps are unknown, action item to call 2 experts to establish those steps
Agree to time frame - precise!
Announce 5m, 1m, 30s left on call
Timed Conversations - get 30m of content in 5 minutes w/ preparation and forethought. Don't beat around the bush. Use that extra time to pursue priorities and create time abundance
To get more time, give time away - prosocial behavior stimulates energy and creativity, boosting your own productivity
The last 10 seconds of a conversation "seal in" the tone. Stay focused on action vs. leaving on chit-chat
Helping someone for 45 minutes can get you 75 minutes of boosted creativity and productivity
Repetition, Active Recall, and Reflection for Knowledge Integration and Creation - Rahel Zeleke
Define purpose - why am I learning this, and what will I use it for (Meta - Ultralearning)
Gather required materials - (DiSSS)
Determine Learning Approach (Meta - Ultralearning, DiSSS, CaFE)
Selective, purposeful learning/reading
Active Recall and Spaced Repetition
Reflection and Imagination
Memorizaton - Memory Palaces, Linking, Mnemonics, Retention/Retrieval, CaFE
Embodied Learning - Erica Appelros
Because of mirror neurons, witnessing and/or visualizing an action can make us better at that action
When learning, let your proprioception become part of the learning process. Erica uses dance to help her remember
Go through the physical motions of going through your memory palaces - not necessarily to scale, but go through
Cultural and historical information can often be gleaned from traditional cultural dances - learn the dance to better understand the culture and language
When reading/memorizing/learning,
get into your body
use as many senses as possible
to stay engaged and retain more information.
From Theory to Practice: Overcoming Perfectionism and Building Up Skills - Elanor Kloester
Be Kind to Yourself
Stop comparing yourself to others
Expect setbacks and backsliding
Replace key words in your thinking and explanatory style
Keep it fun and light-hearted
Consider the real, actual consequences of failure
Increase time frames - people tend to underestimate by 3x
Knowledge w/o practical application isn't transferrable - it may feel like you know a subject, in theory, but that doesn't mean you can apply it.
Find a real-world way to practice
Use the "5 Why" technique (Why....why....why) to discover the
reason you want to learn the skill, then apply it. Directness - Ultralearning, Scott Young
Create forcing functions
Accountability / collaboration
Public Commitment
Help! I'm Not a Native Speaker! - Andrea Szabo
See if you can find the material translated
Slow down video/audio
Take notes in your native tongue
For more specialized courses/skills, use mnemonics and Superlearner techniques
Learn in your own language first (speed reading, for example)
8k-9k words gets you 95% fluency in English, between 4k and 10k in most languages
Break Free of Damning Liquids - Daniel Lathan
Alcohol is often used as a crutch to avoid dealing with personality/character flaws in the person. Develop better social/conversational skills, work on social confidence, etc.
Your brain will thank you (state dependent learning, lack of energy/clarity, etc.)
Your body will thank you (energy, less pollutants, testosterone, etc)
Your pocketbook will thank you ($500/year for the average drinker)
The 28-Day Alcohol Free Challenge
"How much does Alcohol affect you" quiz
The Quickstart Guide to Optimum Performance - Nguyen Tran
Find your Kryptonite
Get Centered, Present, and Grounded - meditation, grounding exercise
Smile and start counting backward from five
Breathe deep into the belly
Notice the shift from stressed to relaxed yet alert
90m intervals, 6 - 7.5 - 9 hours recommended, black as possible, avoid blue light, exercise, and large meals
Be sure the big stuff is in order, usually supplementation is an end-game tactic. Get the big factors in order, first.
Avoid blue light at night, use f.lux or a blue-light filter (software or hardware)
Is what I'm listening to helping me or making me worse?
You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time around.
You should
the relationship, not
Make Yourself a Priority - Jan Hellwig
Put yourself first - pay yourself first - don't rely on getting these things done last, or you will lose your willpower before you even get to them. Use the Eisenhower Matrix.
Don't rely on willpower - it waxes/wanes, it's fickle. Create forcing functions to stop your bad habits.
Make success the default - create systems and tiny habits, make your new, positive habits as easy as possible to get started and they will snowball later.
Schedule it - if it's not on the calendar, it doesn't get done.
Track progress - feedback, reviewing progress, and motivation
Get support from others - support, accountability, camaraderie