Hygiene III: Specific Risks
Physical Risk Factors
Chemical Risk Factors
Risk Control Methodologies and Techniques
Management System for the Prevention of Occupational Risks
Extreme temperatures
Noise can interfere with spoken communication, work and leisure time activities, in certain cases, it can affect behavior, it can cause temporary hearing loss
Vibrations are rapid and continuous oscillation movements that occur in objects or materials with respect to their equilibrium position, and can be transmitted to the human body or any of its parts
One of the factors to take into account when doing a correct prevention of occupational risks are the environmental conditions to which workers are exposed during the development of their daily activity
Electromagnetic radiation is energy transmitted through a medium (air, water ...) in the form of waves or particles. Depending on the amount of energy they emit, they are divided into ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. or mechanical vibrations
Those intoxications produced by substances that under normal conditions and at room temperature are in a gaseous state.
Organic and Inorganic Powders
Metallic fumes
They are solid particles, but they are too fine to be called powders. While dust particles are mechanically divided, fumes are formed by resolidification of fumes from very hot processes, such as welding.
Toxic organic dust syndrome, a benign and self-limited condition, (71, 72) described in the mid-1970s, began to be accepted as a unique clinical entity in the 1980s.
Vapors are also gases, but they are liquids or perhaps even solids that release small amounts of gases into the surrounding air. Some of our most useful industrial fluids, like gasoline and solvents, have a strong tendency to release these vapors.
They are those from mineral matter, wood, metal or all those classified as non-biological.
Measures / Techniques
Ventilation Systems
Hygiene concept
Occupational Risk Concept
Health concept
Non-medical discipline that studies, values and proposes solutions to avoid personal illnesses.
Possibility of a worker suffering a certain damage derived from work.
"the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not only the absence of disease".
One of the factors that affect indoor air quality is outdoor air quality.
If the outside or recycled air turns out to be contaminated, the recommended control measures are filtering and purification.
Active control: these are the actions that are carried out to control compliance with the activities established in the area of occupational risk prevention
Reactive control: these are the actions taken to investigate, analyze and record the failures produced in the Management System for the prevention of occupational risks
Material measures to eliminate or reduce risks at the source, which may also include those aimed at limiting risks or their consequences in the event of accidents or emergencies.