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Math 268 Pathways, data organisation, making univariate plots (ggplot2),…
Math 268 Pathways
data organisation
relational tables, keys, principles
reorganize cast/melt (pivot?)*
times tidy data won't do well: things with matrices, summary tables, corpora, nested stuff, graphical models with nodes old models
making univariate plots (ggplot2)
layers in ggplot2
bivariate plots in ggplot2
multivariate plots in ggplot2
adding a third variable
jittering and opacity
color in ggplot2, linetype, size
mapping color or size
plot labels and clarity ggplot2
levels and keys
advanced plots
text clouds
graph/network diagrams
interactive plots
shiny Apps
reproduceable research and R markdown*
pretty things in R markdown
rmarkdown pdfs
CIs, t-test
linear regression
lmm? glmm?
chi sq
decision trees
hypothesis generate
future: programming with R
for loop
installing R and R studio
install packages
class tutorials*
funtions, help, putting things in the function
get data in 1
get data in 2
get data in 3, reads in the wrong type, missing header, not lining up, excel, specialty SPSS, etc.
Objects in R (data frame, looking at them) access of column, head, View, summary, tibbles, store a new thing
data types date, dbl, int, char, num
Objects in R 2: lists, arrays, matrices
Using R Studio broom, running a line of code, open a script, look at things in the console*
bivariate summary statistics (lm, cor, two way table) 1
summarizing data by group*
mutate (create a new variable by group)*
create new variable and plot it
dealing with dates and times
dates and times in ggplot2
writing math
changing the look of a ggplot (themes)
bivariate plots in base
adding lines/points in base
color in base/pch/lty
logic in R
logic + sumstats
univariate summary stats (length, sum, summary, mean, median, quantile, IQR, table, prop.table, exclude null)
choosing plots to answer a question and 2d sum stats to answer a question
Data analysis will be determined by the scientific question and the type of data
text processing
Question types (hypothesis generate, estimate, predict, describe), what can be concluded - exp/obs study *
writing a file
one sample inference, weighted samples (one sample prop, one sample mean)
two variables, inference, tests from 220 two means, chi sq, lin reg,
additional 2 variable stuff that you probably didn't learn in 220 two prop diff, ANOVA
matched pairs - long and wide formats
correlated data methods
pick one of:
advanced plotting methods using leaflet, d3, maps, etc.
advanced data analysis methods (lmm,CART, clustering)
tableau or BI
future: webscraping
saving a plot
fancy ways to save plots
distributions, sampling
custom colors
Choosing plots for more than bivariate
vector calculations. +/-/*, ln, exp, ^, cumsum, lead, lag, diff create a new variable that is a transformation of an old variable
missing values,
strings example of ordering : "V104" "V51" "A" "a" "0a"
creating a categorical variable from a continuous one
factors/reordering factors renaming factor levels, removing a factor level adding a level to a factor, converting factor to character to numeric
univariate base graphics
plot labels in base
subsetting data/ ordering data in base, seq, 1:10
subsetting data in tidyverse: filter, select, arrange
subset/reorder for plots or tables