Customer service management reading
A generic conceptual framework of interactive service quality (Svenson, 2003)
Emphasis on the intangibility of services
Services are produced, distributed and consumed in the interaction between service provider and receiver
Interactive serve-qual is impacted by service continuum and ultimate experience
Interactive service quality in a service encounter requires the simultaneous consideration of the service providers and service receivers’ perspectives
The role of perceived organizational support on emotional labour in the airline industry (Hur et al, 2013)
POS is defined as the perception of employees concerning the extent to which the organization values their contributions and cares about their wellbeing based on social exchange theory (SET)
The Model of Experiential Marketing, Service Quality, and Customer Loyalty
(Noor, 2020)
Customer loyalty is customer behaviour in commitment, confidence, and loyalty to brand products as well as an important management challenge because it can enhance the positive image of a product
Service quality attributes in ecotourism: The incorporation of experiential aspects (Thao et al, 2019)
Eco-tourism experience within the tourism industry the application of eco-tourism and SERV-qual
ECOSERV model to include interactive and experiential aspects to existing service quality attributes
How to measure sustainable eco service quality: - One of the most notable models in this stream is ECOSERV, a revised version
The Incorporation of Experiential Aspects 1199 of SERVQUAL for the ecotourism services (Ladhari, 2008). The model, however, has been criticized for the lack of comprehensiveness as it fails to consider many important aspects of the ecotourism experience
Experiential Marketing is a marketing concept that aims to create loyal customers by tapping customer emotions and gives a positive feeling towards the products and services offered by the company
Perceived organisational support and its relation to social exchange theory
Example of flight attendance and importance of emotional state on factors such as perceptions and image
Airlines staff’s emotional state has an immediate effect on service quality, and the nature of interactions with passengers
Products can touch the emotional value customers can positively make a memorable experience with their customers
How leaders’ perceived emotional labour leads to followers’ job performance (Moon, 2019)
How can leaders impact the emotional labour and authenticity of staff and customers experience?
Ethical management influence on authenticity
Authenticity is considered a key indicator for understanding how employees perceive and evaluate their leader
Authentic leadership is defined as a management style that emphasizes honest relationships with followers