In 1974 the Chinese settlement was mostly countryside and small villages, But since then the city has grown at a rapid rate. Population- ‘30,000 inhabitants -> 11 million’. This has caused many problems for villagers. In the 80’s there was nothing to do but work in new factories or construction sites. This lead to residents leading very unfulfilling lives. Urban rural migration has also caused almost a quarter of the cities residents to be migrants ‘9 million migrants’. this leads to a ‘floating population’ that moves around from season to season, getting temporary jobs for as long as they are available, with no rights or access to services. This decreases quality of life. Many peasants also lost their land and homes ‘“over 160 million peasants have lost their land’. They are pushed out and the land is used for construction of new buildings to house the increasing urban population, leading to urban sprawl. This destruction of fields also causes Reduced agricultural production: The migration of able-bodied individuals from rural areas to urban areas results in a reduced rural workforce and decreases in agricultural productivity. This affects food security because most agricultural crops are grown in rural areas. Pollution has been a devastating result from rural urban migration, as the city grows pollution get incedingly worse. Noise and light pollution is very high ‘61.40’. This may result in Health complications: Individuals living in congested urban areas are constantly exposed to long hours in traffic, noise pollution, taxes and generally high costs of living. In this regard, such individuals face several psychological and health challenges due to mental stress.