Real Estate Funds - Role of Fund Admin

Assisting in the papering of key events

Although lawyers and other professional real estate parties will be engaged by the real estate fund, the fund adminsitator may need to handle the logistics of papering the transaction by tracking down signatories, returning paperwork to other advisers and maintaining all originals for the fund's records

Transferring or receiving funds

The fund admin will typically control the bank accounts and so will need to ensure that monies are available and that payments are made on time

May include monitoring the receipt of rents, whether direct from tenants or through a property manager or making monies available for acquisitions of real or synthetic property assets


Ensuring that the books and records are maintained


At cost

Desktop valuation

In the early days of investment, valuing the property at the price purchased may be preudent

Regard will have to be had to the state of the relevant market, as this may suggest whether a valuation at cost remains appropriate or not

A property fund will ordinarily hire a valuer form a Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors qualified firm to provide a desk top valuation

This won't entail a full evaluation of the property bu will provide an indicative value based upon the nature and scale of the property relative to others of a similar nature or class

Such valuations may be relied upon in between formal valuations

In constructions

Assets in construction may be valued on the basis of what they are anticipated to be worth upon completion with discounts applied to the price to allow for the timescale until completion and inherent risks including the risk of the property never being finished or lengthy delays and the risk of the market value of the completed project never hitting projections whether due to the market in general or the ultimate quality or desirability of the property

Fair value

A RICS valuer may be engaged to undertake a full fair value of the property based upon its actual condition and progress against prevailing market conditions

Fair valuations tend to be provided to support the audited financial statements / valuation of the fund, with reliance on other methods in intervening periods

In order to perform the role effectively, the admin must know what the fund does by understanding the investment objectives, including any limitations or restrictions

The overarching principles of what will be included in a fund's objectives, restrictions and limits will not change from fund to fund however, fund admins could expect to find the following key headings

Nature of real estate permitted by type, geography and quality

Condition of real estate permitted, eg as a plot on which to build or an existing property to renovate

Concentration limits, meaning that the value of a single property will be limited to a maximum when placed in the context of the portfolio as a whole which avoids the risk of the fund not diversifying the assets

Whether leveraging is permitted or not and if so what is the