Impaired skin integrity r/t removal of foreskin AEB circumcision procedure being done this morning.
Intervention 1: Keep a sterile dressing technique during wound care
Intervention 2: minimize exposure of skin impairment site from moisture from incontinence
Intervention 3: Teach parents skin and wound assessment and ways to monitor for signs and symptoms of infection, complications, and healing.
Intervention 4:Monitor site of impaired skin integrity at least once daily for color changes, redness, swelling, warmth, pain, or other signs of infection
Short term goal: Patient will be free of infection of surgical site by discharge 11/9/2020. Evaluation: Patient was free of and signs and symptoms of infection to surgical site on discharge.
Long term goal: Patients surgical site with heal properly and completely without any complications by 12/9/2020. Evaluation: Patients circumcision has healed with no complications at newborn check up.