First Aid: Wounds and Bleeding

clean, straight cut

(if infection is advanced:) signs of fever, such as sweating, thirst, shivering and lethargy

pain in the eye or eyelids

a rapid pulse

profuse bleeding

caused by a sharp-edged object

dirty messy wound

bleeding less profusely than incised wounds

Incised Wound

caused by a blunt ripping force


raw and tender

minimal bleeding

caused by a sliding fall or a friction burn


bruising and swelling

no bleeding

caused by a blunt force/blow

Contusion Wound

small entry site

minimal bleeding

caused by standing on a nail or being pricked by a needle

Puncture Wound

a deep incision

massive bleeding

caused by a sharp or bladed object, usually a knife

Stab Wound

small and neat entry wound and large and ragged exit wound

massive bleeding

caused by a missile or bullet being driven into or through the body

Gunshot Wound

partial or total loss of vision

visible wound and/or bloodshot appearance

leakage of blood or clear fluid from a wound

eye wound

faint red trails on the skin that lead to the glands in the neck, armpit or groin

swelling and tenderness of the glands in the neck, armpit or groin

pus within, or oozing from, the wound

swelling, redness and a feeling of heat around the injury

increasing pain and soreness at the site of the wound

Infected Wound


pale, cold, clammy skin

rapid, shallow breathing

a weak, "thready" pulse (when the pulse at the wrist disappears, about half of the blood volume will have been lost)


weakness and dizziness

nausea, and possibly vomiting


restlessness and aggressive behaviour

yawning and grasping for air

casualty becomes unresponsive

heart stops

confusion, restlessness and irritability

bleeding from orifices

(in case of violent injuries,) "pattern bruising" -- an area of discoloured skin with a shape that matches the pattern of clothes or crushing or restraining objects


info from the casualty that indicates recent injury, illness or operation

and possible collapse

Internal Bledding

at first

as it develops

as the brain's oxygen supply weakens

and weak
