Philosophy Of Education

Teacher Centered Philosophies

Student Centered Philosophies




Social Reconstructionism


Focus Of Curriculum

Essentialism- Core curriculum of traditional academic topics and traditional American virtues

Perennialism -Core curriculum analyzing enduring ideas found in the Great Books

Focus Of Curriculum

Social Reconstructionism- Focus on social, political and economic needs; integrated study of academic subjects around socially meaningful actions

Progressivism- Flexible; integrated study of academic subjects around the needs and experiences of students

Existentialism- Each student determines the pace and direction of his or her own learning

Role Of Teacher

Role Of Teacher

Existentialism- seeks to relate to each student honestly

Social Reconstructionism- Provide authentic learning activities that both instruct students and improve society

Progressivism- Guide and integrate learning activities so that students can find meaning

Essentialism- Model of academic and moral virtue; the center of the classroom

Perennialism- Scholarly role model;
Philosophically oriented, helps students seek the truth for themselves.