Stockports Restorative Teams

Restorative Education Team & Restorative Stockport Family Team

two core Restorative teams

Workforce Development Team for Stockport Family

Stockport’s Behaviour Support Service (BSS)

lead by Sarah Baggaley

Stopford House

lead by David Christian

Sarah Baggaley

group of skilled restorative practitioners



social care

health and partners within Stockport who are experienced in delivering training and facilitating restorative practice in their professional role

the team assist in delivering training

championing restorative working within their own setting.

Stockport Restorative Champions Team

group of people who have volunteered to become advocates

develop a sustainable restorative momentum within Stockport education

health care services

social care

through a range of actions

attending the restorative champion updates

actively promoting restorative practices

leading on the use of circles check ins at the start of team meetings

modelling the use of restorative language.

facilitate restorative repair meetings.

on a termly basis

with bi-termly joint meetings

The plan is to seek representatives from all sections of our community

Most people who attend have completed the 3 day RA course

describes a way of being.

promotes active thinking

how we build our relationships

keep them healthy

how we can repair

prevent conflict

relevant to us all.

supports us to connect with each other

guiding us with our interactions

how our actions and responses affect our relationships

provide guidance and support for education, health, social care and partner services who are wishing to develop restorative practices within their settings.

David is a registered social worker and has a background in youth work, residential care, social work and workforce development. He currently oversees a range of social care/work CPD programmes across children’s and adult social care services as well as fostering services. He has shared lead role for Restorative Practice within Stockport with Sarah for the past 2 years.

Sarah works across Stockport’s schools and educational settings, as well as within Stockport Family. She is a teacher and has over 25 years’ experience working in primary & secondary schools. She has been a lead restorative practitioner within Stockport for over 4 years, is a member of the Restorative Justice Council and has received accreditation as a restorative trainer from the RJC.