myOrganic (Malaysian Organic)
What is myOrganic ❓
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A certification scheme drawn up by Malaysian Department of Agriculture to recognize farms that practice organic farming
MyOrganic is a rebranding exercise of Malaysian Organic Scheme (SOM)
The scheme is constructed based on Malaysian Standard MS 1529:2015 Plant-based organically produced foods-requirements for production, processing, handling, labelling and marketing (First Revision)
Why myOrganic is important ❓
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Producing agricultural products of assured quality and safe to eat.
Ensures that the environment is preserved.
Ensures the safety and welfare of workers and employees.
Developing and maintaining sustainable agriculture.
Agricultural products able to compete in domestic and international markets.
What are the objectives ❓
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As a tool in the Techno Agricultural Extension System (SPTP) of the Department of Agriculture Malaysia.
To be practiced by farm operators in the farm in order to produce better quality organic products and safe to eat.
Categories of applicants 👥
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Private Companies
Agencies/Statutory Bodies
Applicant requirements 👥
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Cultivated land is legitimate under the local Land Law.
The farm must be planted and about to produce yield.
The farm is commercially produced.
Application procedure 👥
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1) Application should be made using the Application Form myOrganic 1-1 and forms can be obtained at :
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Crop Quality Control Division, Department of Agriculture, Putrajaya
State Department of Agriculture
District Agriculture Office
Official Portal of Department of Agriculture
2) All completed myOrganic application forms can be submitted to the nearby District Agriculture Office in the districts.
Evaluation criteria that should be pass ✏
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Site Inspection
Analysis for pesticides residues, heavy metals and microbial
Farm practice audit
Duration for certificate approval ✏
Within 24 months from application
Certification renewal ✏
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Renewal of certification should be made within 6 months before the expiry date.
Renewal of the certificate will be issued if the farm is still in compliance with the conditions prescribed.
Reasons for certificate cancellation ✏
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No renewal after the expiry.
Within this period, the farm failed to comply with the conditions prescribed.
Abusing myOrganic certificate and logo in any way.
Validity period ✏
The validity of myOrganic certification is 1 year
Monitoring ⭐
Regular monitoring will be conducted at least once in 6 months by Department of Agriculture.
Audit process ⭐
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External Audit
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Conducted to ensure that operators practice organic farming until certified myOrganic is obtained.
The pre-audit officer is the Agriculture Officer at the District level.
Agriculture Officers at the District level will take samples for pesticides residue analysis, heavy metals and microbial.
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To identify whether operators adopt and adhere organic farming practices in accordance with the standards and make its recommendations to be certified.
The audit will be conducted by a competent (technical) Agriculture Officers which was appointed by the Director of Agriculture.