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Types of streets - Coggle Diagram
Types of streets
Segregated street
28m or more
separate lanes are provided for non‐motorised
high volumes of traffic and require motor vehicles
to travel at higher speeds
Multi‐Utility Zone(MUZ) buffers non‐motorised vehicles from the faster
moving motor vehicles
Basic street with median
20-38 meters
median provided in the centre to
separate traffic moving in opposite directions
median should be at least 6 metres each
Asymmetrical segregated street
18-25 meters
2 way NMV lane
also in use when adjecent land use is dead
Segregated street with service lane
45 meters
modified version of segregated street
additional service lane and footpaths
land uses experiencing high traffic
Basic street
12-24 meters
Zone(PMZ) buffering pedestrians from traffic
and non‐motorised vehicles and a footpath on either side with a Place‐Making
This street section would consist of a central MV lane shared by motor vehicles
Narrow street
8-12 meters
absolute minimum right‐of‐way required for
the movement of vehicles in two directions