On the 6th of November this year, a shortage in supply and an increase in demand have occurred at the same time for kitchen appliances due to a festive season. The demand for kitchen appliances have increased unexpectedly during the pandemic, as the kitchen appliances suppliers and manufacturers expected that the demand will start rising in October, but unexpectedly it rose up in a steep way in July. This demand increase was due to a festive season in the country which led to the increased demand on kitchen appliances. As the suppliers were not ready for this steep demand they could not supply enough to satisfy the demand, the supply shortages varied from 10-50% across consumer categories. Other reasons would be that immigrants who used to work in supplying companies and exited the country never came back, which led to labor shortages, and the delayed import shipments. The article gave an example on a retail outlet which is Viveks, they saw a 30% decline in supply of wet grinders, mixers, and 50% in non-stick Tawas, pressure cookers, and OTG.