Development of projects and programs

Plans and programs

Information sources

Information gathering

Information processing

Definition of objectives: Make resources productive, develop in a harmonious way, different activities that lead to satisfactory economic results

Forecast and prospective: how to know if the company is well or badly organized, the evolution of sales from different points of view: By products by markets, by point of sale by specific actions

Buying plan basic rules scheduling repetitive purchases: individual motives of buyers, emulation, limitation, saving time and effort, profit, satisfaction of the desire to know

Definition and information needs, planning the future flow of cash inflows, reaching the anticipated necessary funds, determining if said funds have been invested in an asset

External: The data extracted from the census can facilitate the analysis of the market, it is necessary to transfer all the information to the commercial sector in which the company works since the influence of these phenomena is not uniform in all sectors.

Internal: We must know all the types of expenses that affect sales and decide which we can reduce or which are too high.

Printed: It is used for the type of advertising of an institutional nature by a company in order to obtain the knowledge and confidence of consumers of the company in general, not of a particular product

Electronic: the choice of advertising media depends on: The product or service offered, the objectives pursued by the advertising campaign, the available budget, creative planning

Observación no participativa: El investigador es teóricamente ajeno al proceso observa situaciones de interes, tal como sucede naturalmente con la menor interferencia posible de su presencia

Surveys Reliability: refers to the times that a response can be repeated from one sample to another. operationalization: converting concepts into reliable valid questions that accurately measure what is wanted

Market research covers all activities that allow an organization to obtain the information it requires to make decisions about its environment

Expert opinion: There are 3 types of sales force performance that sales managers can control to improve the execution of distribution sales programs: They can try to establish the total number of sales visits made in order to optimize the effort total sales, influence quality and improve the sales effort allocation of each salesperson

Data analysis: The value of an investigation depends on the result, researchers must know how to identify the fundamental relationships, discover trends and patterns: This is what turns data into useful information

Generation of possibilities: Analysis occurs simultaneously with data collection. When it is observed, interviewed, field notes are taken and the research diary is made, the work of the researcher is not limited to recording. There is also reflection in it, which in turn informs the following series of data

Storage: Environmental monitoring consists of processing information about changes in an organization's environment. are formalized approaches to observing change On a continuous and systematic basis