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Intro to Psych, Exam II, : - Coggle Diagram
Intro to Psych
emotions vs affect
emotions are a subset of a broader class of affective phenomena >>> response tendencies that are subjective but reall adaptive
affect is a more general concept than emotion is, presents a neurophysiological state that is a blend of hedonic (pleasure/displeasure) and arousal (sleepy/actovated), and is present in, among other states, in emotions
usually begin with an (un)conscious assesment of the stimuly that we have an emotional reaction to. the reaction can happen before or apart from conscous interpretation of the event
the response can be triggered by 1) subjective experience 2) facial expression, body movement, behaviour, 3) psychological change 4) cognitive process (thinking)
historical emotion theories - main Q --- does emotion trigger the psyiological reposnse or vise versa?
Schachter-Singer - we interpret our bodily reacion and then deciide on ti based on context how to feel
physiology of emotions
different emotions have subtle nad often similar indicators (heart racing, perspiration...)
ability to learn from expeerience, solve problems and use knowledge
takes on intelligence
fluid intelligence (ability to take in a lot of info and bring it in to solve a problem, reflects more general kind of intelligence
crystallized intelligence (facts, knowledge, reflects a culture a person is raised in)
emotional intelligence - percieving, understanding, managing and using emotions
assesing intelligence
the normal curve
Stress & Health
stress - process by whihc we percieve and respond to stressors (certain events) taht we (un)consciously percieve as threatening or challneging
stress is not justa stimulus or just a reponse, it's a process during hich our body producess a stress reaction to a stressor
stressors: daily hassles, catarastrophese /// hindrance (-) vs challenge stressors (+)
coping with stress
dealing with stress > coping strategies (aimed at reducing stress using emotional, cognitive and behavioral methods), can be problem-focused (changing the stressor or the way of interacting with the stressor) and emotion-focused (avoiding, ignoring the stressor, especially when we think we can't change situation)
general helplessness behavior - perceived loss of control causing health probelms locus of control (internal vs external)
reducing stress: 1)social support (connect and belong)
2) exercise
3) relaxation
4) meditation (relaxation, mindfulness meditation)
5) active spiritual engagement
Nature, Nurture &Human Diversity
Behaviour Genetics (predictig individual differences) - study of relative power and limits of genetic and environemntal (non-genetic) infulences on behaviour
hereditability - genetic transfer of characteristicds from aprent toa chiled (personality traits - about 40%, general intelligence - about 66%)
genes - biochemical units of heredity taht make up threadlike coils of DNA ------ gene espressed>code transcribed>protein made>body instructions vs genome complete isntructions for amking an organism - all genetic amterial (human genome)
studies identical vs frternal twins, separated twins, adopted children...
Evolutionary Psycgology (natural selection and adaptation) - the study of evolution of behaviour and the mind usig principles of antural selection
natural selection - principle that inherited traits are better at enabling the organism to survive and reproduce in a particular environamnt and are most likely to be passed on to new generations
interrečated set of values, tools and practoces that is shared amog a group of people who posses a common social identity
individual's characteristic pattern of thinkig, feeling and acting
(every man is in certain aspects like all other men, like some other men and like no other man (Murray & Kluckhohn 53)
Pernosality theories
psychodynamic theories
peronality - arises from a conflict between impluse an restraint (impulse coming fro your unconsciousness, where all unacceplatble, secret thoughts and wishes are)
humanistic theories
influences: counseling, education, child raising, amangement /////////////// cticism: vague and subjective concepts, naive
social-cognitve thoeries --- interaction of behaviour, cognitive and situational factors determine personality